2nd Trimester

Let's take a moment to share cute comments your SO makes.

This morning DH was holding the belly, and with complete innocence he said,

"I can't believe there is a little person in here!  How's my little man doing this morning?"

::melted my heart::


Re: Let's take a moment to share cute comments your SO makes.

  • On Saturday night, he had had a bit to drink, and he kept telling the baby "I miss you already" - I guess meaning that he hates being away from us all day at work.  It was very sweet.

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  • "Please wear that purple maternity shirt you bought, pleeeeaaassee? It makes your boobies look nice"


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  • Not necessarily an "aw" moment for anyone else, but DH kissed the belly last night and said, "Good night Charlotte". I love how he uses her name now!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • My hubby constantly will look at me all sappy and say "I love that your pregnant"

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    ~*DUE MARCH 5th 2014*~

  • I give presentations a lot for work and lately I feel like everyone just stares at my belly so DH told me that they are staring because my son is flexing his muscles and showing off for them. Now I giggle a little everytime I get up to speak.


    BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • During one of Smellican's recent assaults on my cervix, FI rubbed my belly and said, "Please be nice to Mommy.  She needs a break."  It totally made me cry.
  • Last night while I was scooping myself a BIG bowl of Haagen Daz DH looked at me and said "you are one sexy pg lady"..it made me laugh b/c I feel like a house but it was sweet.

  • I just sent DH the "pregnant women are smug" video.  The response: "I think the whole smug/unsmug thing is debatable, but one thing is for sure...YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL."  I'll smile at my desk all day on that one.
  • DH hates to paint, in fact since we've been together I can't remember seeing him paint.  But I picked out nursery colors the other day and since I can't paint it I asked him if he was okay with the million colors I picked out, and he said what my two number one ladies want they get.  Melted my heart.
  • on my second U/S (12 weeks) the baby was kicking like crazy so i called my husband and told him he has Crazy Legs (my husband loves to dance and i call him crazy legs).. so he said, "takes after daddy"

    i know that's not huge, but it was the first time i heard him say daddy which melted my heart 

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