2nd Trimester

Goodmorning Ladies

Hey ladies, Goodmorning!

 I hope everyone is doing well today!

Re: Goodmorning Ladies

  • Good morning to you.  I have my GD test today and already I am starving.  This is going to be a long morning!  How is your morning going?
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  • imagejenniferb96:
    Good morning to you.  I have my GD test today and already I am starving.  This is going to be a long morning!  How is your morning going?

    I had a GD at 20 weeks..ugh. And then I will have to have it at about 28 like you. I am high risk for Diabetes, sooo yay! It's an unpleasant business. I can't sleep this morning. I tried so hard to force myself to stay in bed, as I have nothing really to do out of bed...But here I am! So I am relying on you ladies to keep my over-active mind entertained! Sorry to hear your starving! Does hearing I have heartburn at 6:30am make you feel any better?

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  • Morning!

    Stosh and I are surfing the web ;)

  • imagesbryant021408:

    Good morning to you.  I have my GD test today and already I am starving.  This is going to be a long morning!  How is your morning going?

    I had a GD at 20 weeks..ugh. And then I will have to have it at about 28 like you. I am high risk for Diabetes, sooo yay! It's an unpleasant business. I can't sleep this morning. I tried so hard to force myself to stay in bed, as I have nothing really to do out of bed...But here I am! So I am relying on you ladies to keep my over-active mind entertained! Sorry to hear your starving! Does hearing I have heartburn at 6:30am make you feel any better?

    I wish I didnt have anythig to do!  The only reason I am up is because my 2 year old felt like getting up early yay for me!  I am also high rish for diabetes but my doctor made me wait til 27 weeks.  Heatburn sux I had it with DS really bad and this time (knock on woood)  I havent hd any.  It does make me feel slightly betterthat you are feeling crappy like me! :)

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  • imageMrsPreK:


    Stosh and I are surfing the web ;)

    He is just such a little ham!!

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  • Ok I am off to my GD test have a great morning ladies!
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  • Morning....I'm still grumpy
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  • Tired from my sinus infection with a sore throat and stuffy head, but I'm at work for 11 1/2 hours the next 3 days! Ah, cannot wait for that maternity leave! Smile
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