2nd Trimester

Update to Last Scary US

Just some background. I had an US and the Dr wanted me to go to the actual hospital for another ultrasound as they couldn't see everything they needed to on the baby. I was very worried. That was at the beginning of this month.

I went in Friday and You ladies were so right. Everything is fine. The Hospitals technology is just ten times better than my Dr's office. You can see things so much more clear. Eventhe Fact that IT'S A BOY. We didn't want to know but there was no way you couldn't tell and I wasn't upset because I was just happy he was fine. They did have to have the Dr come in to make sure they had all the correct shots and she did take another look but said everything is great.

So I was happy because the baby is fine and DH is excited because it's a boy. Thanx so much ladies for all your well wishes and support. Now on to the nursery. 

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