I just got back from my doctors appointment. I got to hear the heart beat but was very disapointed because I thought I was going to get a u/s. I have been waiting to see my baby again. The heart rate was between 155-165. My friend told me the wives tale that if its in the 140s its a girl and about 150s its a boy....but then my doctor told me he heard it the other way. So what is it? I find out the sex June 4th on my birthday. The best gift could ask for!
Re: Back from the Doctors
wives tale = girls have higher, boys are lower
ours was 165-170 on Friday and doc said, sounds like a girl!!
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The old wives tail is that Under 140 = Boy, Over 140 = Girl
It was right for my kids, but I've heard that it's not for many others. I think if there is any truth to it, it would also depend on the activity level of the baby at the time the HB was taken. : So, who knows