I just got some thin mint ice cream and it really tastes like the girl scout cookies. ?Combined with my salad for dinner I think this is a balanced evening.
Baby Boy born still on March 10, 2008 at 21 wks 2 days : (
Finley Alyse born October 11, 2009

Declan Jonathan born October 16, 2011

Re: thin mint ice cream-yum
They do it in Samoas too??? I think I might faint...
I saw that one too, but wasn't sure if DH would eat it. ?I will get it next time I go grocery shopping. ?I heart caramel!?
DH just went to the store, I think I am going to call him and make him pick up some thin mint icecream. It sounds so good!
I am right there with you. Before being pg I was a salty snacks kind of person. Now I am looking for dessert every evening lately. I should buy stock in the 100 calorie chocolate pudding cups.