I took Joaquin to Sea World for an hour or two of play after work. We went to the kids area and got in line for a little kiddie ride. It seemed totally mellow enough to me and as we walked in I scanned the signs to see if they said anything about being pregnant...I didn't see anything. So we got in line and Joaquin was all excited and he ended up hanging out in line with a kid just a little older than him. Just as we were about to go in, the kid running the ride looked at me and asked if I was pregnant, I said yeah and he said I couldn't get on.
Poor Joaquin didn't know what was going on and was still ready to get on. Luckily the nice couple with the kid that was hanging with J offered to take him for me. Joaquin has very little separation anxiety so he was happy to join them. I watched from the sidelines in tears because I couldn't go on with him.
Yeah, probably common sense and yeah I'm probably a bit hormonal, but it totally bummed me out.
Re: Maybe it's common sense? Still a bummer.
Thanks, that actually makes me feel a lot better. That's true, huh? Maybe I'm doing something right?
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