We have had a cruised planned for months and now its in 2 weeks. We're debating whether to go because I would hate to expose myself and the baby.
Would you still go and just not get off the boat or skip out all together? Were leaving in 2 weeks for 4 days from Long Beach to Ensanada.
Re: Swine Flu- opinions please
Since the CDC is saying that Americans should limit travel to Mexico unless its absolutely necessary, I wouldn't be surprised if the cruise line postpones any trips that involve Mexican ports or allows you to change your reservations (I know airlines are letting you make last minute changes for these circumstances). Check with your cruise line, and with your doctor.?
The O'Baby Blog
I think Ensenada is the only stop, right? ?
We went on a cruise to Mexico in November and got terribly sick with the Noro-virus. ?Not something I would want to have pregnant, so I wouldn't take a cruise while pregnant anyways. ?Now, with the swine flu, I would cancel it, especially since we have all been advised to limit travel to Mexico.?
Agree 100%?