2nd Trimester

What makes you feel pretty?

What do you/other people do for you that makes you feel pretty during your pregnancy?

I like hearing compliments from my H and taking time to do my hair and makeup.

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Re: What makes you feel pretty?

  • Shaving my legs...they are so silky smooth afterward!

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Compliments from my hubby, exercise, and anytime I leave the salon:)
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  • nice comments from DH
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  • Actually doing my hair and makeup vs. just throwing the hair back.
  • I work in a warehouse, so I really don't pretty myself up for the day...ever. So I feel like a freaking supermodel when I actually do my hair and makeup and put on clothes other than men's pocket t-shirts.
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  • Luckily I've gotten lots of nice compliments from people so far so that makes me feel good. Plus, I love my belly, I think it makes me look great!
  • My breasts have changed so much - I used to have nice looking breasts and nipples and now - ugh!  They make me feel so ugly.  So what I've been doing lately to make myself feel prettier is wearing a nice, sexy bra.  I have a see through one that gives me just the right amount of disguise so I can't feel too awful about my nipples.  Plus DH loves it and that makes me feel good when I drive him nuts for it.
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  • running/weight training (my exercises of choice),

    wearing new clothing that fits

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  • Cute clothes that make the bump & body look fabulous.
  • Working out, and actually doing my hair and makeup.
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  • Having hair and make up done, a great outfit. Compliments. A little bit of perfume.



  • This might sound silly but I feel the prettiest when I'm wearing something that shows off my baby bump.  It is the ultimate I am woman statement!
  • high heels and great funky jewelry.

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  • It's kind of strange but I think having a big belly has actually been slimming-in a strange sort of way.  I have always had bigger legs and I think I notice them less because my belly is bigger-if that makes sense.  I feelt prettiest when I wear empire waist tops because they are flowy and cute and they are in style even if you aren't pg.
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  • getting compliments from my dhBig Smile and he is really good at it!
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  • I actually only feel pretty when DH cuddles the bump. When he rests his head in my lap and gives the belly little kisses or talks to it I just want to cry. I feel very beautiful then no matter what I am wearing.
  • Shaving, doing my hair, makeup, and dressing pretty for work and when out with DH
  • New clothes.

  • What do I do to make myself feel pretty... not look in the mirror!
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    BFP#1 on 02/14/09 BIRTH to Mason 6lb9oz on 10/12/09

    BFP#2 on 5/28/11 EDD 2/1/12 Natural M/C on 6/13/11

    BFP#3 on 1/20/12 EDD 9/30/12 Natural m/c on 1/27/12

    BFP#4 on 4/23/12 BIRTH to Isabella 7lb1oz on 12/19/12

  • Honestly, the fact that DH still wants me keeps me sane. I knew my body would change, but I just wasn't ready for it, I guess. I was so busy preparing for the financial and emotional part of pregnancy/having a baby that I forgot to prepare for the physical part.

    My breasts are gigantic (I loved my full Cs before- I thought they were great!), my bump is straight out, and my feet are puffy at the end of the day- but when DH and I aren't joking about it all, he still acts attracted to me and to know that he's still interested even though I'm not too excited about the way I look makes me feel pretty good.

  • Taking time on my make-up (Bare Minerals powder for clear completion, a dab of light pink lip gloss, eyeliner, a little bit of blush) and hair, and wearing something cute/stylish that shows off my bump.

     But what makes me feel even prettier is when I do all this, go outside with a smile on my face, and get smiles from complete strangers.  Happy people are contagious!

  • imagetaelir:
    Actually doing my hair and makeup vs. just throwing the hair back.


  • The feeling after a nice workout....painting my toes/nails a pretty new shade...doing my hair...trying out new eyeshadow or make-up colors...wearing my sweats (so comfy!!)

    Midwest Texan, your bump is too cute. So close to birth day!!

  • Curling my hair, and doing my make up.
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  • A dress with heels on that show off a new pedi!
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  • A manicure and pedicure...
  • Sexy underwear that fits nicely and compliments from DH.
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