About a week ago I finally got a body pillow, it has made all the difference to me!!! I love it so much and am finally sleeping soundly, aside from having to get up to pee. Anybody who doesn't think they need one should really just give it a try. I got it for only $10 at Target.
Re: I love you body pillow...
It's so worth it. I was using regular pillows and proping them around me but this is so much easier. I hope you love yours too!
same goes for me! MY DH is trying to steal my pillow too.
LOVE IT!!! Got mine at Target a couple weeks ago. I was using the regular size pillow between my legs, but still not sleeping well. This thing is awesome!
FYI- for the $9.99 you get a body pillow and you can pick out what type of pillow case you want..there were like 10 to choose from...great deal if you ask me!
Need one, hate shifting 3-4 pillows back and forth in the night.