2nd Trimester

Do you wear a sleep bra?

I was told over and over by a sales woman at Motherhood that my boobs are going to sag if I dont wear one... okay well my boobs are huge, sore, and always hot to the touch and tingly - I thought nightime was my time for the sweet relief of no stupid bra! Should I wear one at night too?( obviously softer no wire type)
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Re: Do you wear a sleep bra?

  • I don't wear one, I wear a tank top and that's it and if my boobs sag then oh well.
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  • I had to wear one at the beginning of the pregnancy because they hurt so bad even the sheet hurt them!!!  now i definitely don't but they don't hurt as bad anymore...

    i really don't care about them sagging....

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  • I do only b/c I started out as a 36D pre-pg and I don't want them to get too saggy!
  • The saleswomen at my local Pea in the Pod are like vultures.   I don't take their advice about anything, because I've never seen anyone crawl so far up my ass to make a sale.
  • I wear one, but it actually makes my boobums feel better.
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  • I wear an underwire-free nursing bra at night, it seems to help.
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  • No, I don't. And really, if you BF, your breasts are going to change in ways you don't expect after you wean, and I don't think a sleep bra is going to change that...
  • lkichlkich member
    Yes, since the 1st tri when my boobs became super sore I needed to wear something. I got some really comfortable bras from Target, the Gillian O'malley (something like that) nursing bras. They are all cotton, no wire, no tags and really comfy. They're pretty cheap too, around $14.
  • I wore a regular ol' non-underwire bra in the beginning (sleep bras don't work well if you've got Huge girls), but not anymore.

    Frankly, my boobs are huge, they already sag, and wearing a damn bra 24/7 isn't going to help that.

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  • I have worn one since I was about 8 weeks, but only because my boobs are really sore all the time. Plus they're already a 40DD and getting bigger, so they need the support for comfort reasons.  I actually never heard that wearing a sleep bra would help with sagging. I feel like it's pretty inevitable either way, in my case. I was a 38 DD before pregnancy, so it's a large load! I think gravity will win eventually!
  • Thanks for ur input ladies.. my boobs have grown so much I bought a sports type bra from Superstore (similar to target) and it was an XLG! I have a very small frame so I was shocked, it just goes to show maternity brands are much more generous in thier sizing.. i think ill skip the bra for now..give my boobs some peace before bf starts
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  • I sleep naked. And if I didn't... I just can't stand a bra while sleeping.
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  • i wear a comfy sports bra just about 24/7.  literally i do not wear any other kind of bra anymore bc i just want to rip them off!!
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  • I sleep in a sports bra, otherwise my boobs are killing me! 
  • imagewater-fairy:
    I sleep naked. And if I didn't... I just can't stand a bra while sleeping.

    same here. ?i need to let the ladies out while i'm sleeping, it's just uncomfortable if i don't.?

  • I can't wear a bra when I sleep - my boobs need relief.  I was a 36D pre-pregnancy and I figure they're probably going to sag no matter what I do.  This is why I plan on "work" being done for my 40th birthday.
  • LMAO!  I actually work part-time at Pea in the Pod (sister-company to Motherhood) and I must say that yes sleep bras are supposed to help with sagging issues. 
    However, I totally agree with Shananah on vulture-like salespeople.  My manager gets on my case all the time for not "power selling" enough.  Which is crap.  If someone wants my opinion, they ask for it (which a lot of ladies do when they walk in and see my belly, and I'm more than happy to provide them with my input).  I think that's one of the reasons my manager hired me even though I can only work, like 10-15 hours a week since I already work full-time elsewhere.  I do engage in genuine conversations with these customers because we're pretty much on the same boat and there's a lot to talk about.  But if someone doesn't want something, fine - I let it be!
    If you are worried about sagging, sleep bras should help, or a brand of cream called "Mama Mio Boob Tube" which I have been using and has been keeping my tribal-looking boobies perky.
  • I never thought I'd wear a bra at night, but my breasts hurting a lot, especially at night. ?When I woke up in tears, I finally gave it. ?I just use a sports bra that's a little on the big side. ?It seems to help. ?It had nothing to do with sagging breasts, though. ?I think that sounds like someone trying to sell you something.
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  • imagewater-fairy:
    I sleep naked. And if I didn't... I just can't stand a bra while sleeping.

    Ditto.  And I highly doubt that sleeping with a bra on will prevent sagging.

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  • Yes, I do... though it's a sports bra type nursing bra from Bravado that I'll be able to use when breastfeeding. I have:

    The Original Nursing Bra - Double Plus Style - https://www.bravadodesigns.com/product.asp?ID=3&area=US

    I'm a 36DD now and like how this is very supportive AND will work when I'm engorged when my milk comes in.

    I was told by a professional maternity bra fitter that your breasts stop growing (cup size) by around 20 weeks and after that it's the band width that changes?as your rib cage expands. The rib cage goes down after delivery but the cup size remains until you stop breastfeeding (if you do). Not sure if that's the truth, but I hope so!


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  • Nope, my boobs are still small....well, went from size A to size B cup!!!
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  • imageburning_television:

    I sleep naked. And if I didn't... I just can't stand a bra while sleeping.

    same here. i need to let the ladies out while i'm sleeping, it's just uncomfortable if i don't.


    Glad I am not the only one. Its going to suck when I can't! ha ha ha 

  • i think the people at motherhood are running a scam. they told me that too - plus, if i don't wear one or if i have one that's too tight, then supposedly my milk ducts will get infected. my doctor never mentioned this... and i doubt it's true. but when i went there about 15 weeks ago, i fell for it and bought one. it is comfortable, but i doubt it's necessary.
  • Yes, I got some comfy ones at BRU that double as nighttime nursing bras.
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  • I can't stand wearing a bra to bed, of any kind. Not even those spandex tank tops with the built in "support". I told my DH about the potential for sag and he said "oh well, they're your boobs", and then pointed out that he likes me not wearing a bra to bed because its easier access. LOL
  • The nurse who runs all the educational programs at my OB's practice has said NOT to wear underwire bras after the 2nd trimester because they can clog the ducts and cause infections. 

    Bronx Zoo: Summer 2013


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  • During my 1st pregnancy I started getting really bad chest pains and found out it was b/c I wasn't wearing a bra to sleep. ?As soon as I started wearing a sports bra to sleep I started feeling better. ?oh, yeah they grew from a C to E. ?Needless to say I've been wearing a sports bra to sleep with this pregnancy. ?
  • I have no reason to be concerned about sag... I was a 34B before and now am a 36C and they are so perky I can hardly get cleavage with a push up bra. Not trying to be an AW, trust me, I would kill for some hot mama cleavage. But I am worried about it so I wear a sports bra to bed. It doesn't bother me at all I actually feel weird not wearing anything.
  • I started wearing one in the last week, because I was so sore when I woke up in the morning.  I don't have that problem any more.  I forgot to put it on one night last week, and woke up in pain the next day, so I won't make that mistake again.  I got it from motherhood for $20, it's soft cotton, no underwire, pretty comfy/ugly.
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