2nd Trimester

AW: it's an it!

Had my ultrasound today and it went pretty well. :)  The baby has a good strong heartbeat and we got to watch him kick my bladder, wave his arms and yawn.  Sadly with how the baby was positioned (and NOT willing to move much) the tech could not get all the measurements they wanted, so they may order another ultrasound to finish up.  She also couldn't definitely say its a boy/girl.  Her best guess was boy, but she cautioned us that with the poor view she got, it is still 50/50.    So I'm partway between team green and blue I suppose... team turquoise??

I see my doctor next Tuesday for my checkup & to discuss the ultrasound so I imagine I will find out then if she wants to order another one.  Otherwise I'm going with "boy" for now just because I'm tired of calling the baby "it", and we are glad that the nursery stuff we like is not gender specific!

Re: AW: it's an it!

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