Florida Babies

Daycares in S. Tampa for 1 or 2 days a week?

Hi moms,

?I was just wondering if anyone knows any good daycares (centers/or home) in the South Tampa area. I would only put him in 1-2 times a week. 1 reason is so he interacts with other kids his age, and b/c I am a WAHM (photography business) and would like to get more marketing done during the week!

?I would love to hear your pros and cons. Thank you!?

Re: Daycares in S. Tampa for 1 or 2 days a week?

  • If you are interested in a private sitter I would love to help.  I am a full time grad student, but my days are free and I am flexible.  I could give you some time to focus on your career (and yourself!).  If you are worried about social interaction, I could take him to playgroups in the area.  Please let me know if you are interested and I can give you more details about me! (I used to substitute at Christ the King Catholic School in ST, so I am familiar with the area).




  • Carlton Academy.. AWESOME!
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