
ilovemygirls, do you worry about handwashing?

I love your DHs idea about the potty by the bed, but what about handwashing?

OK I'm a germ freak and I know just wee isn't too bad, and hell tons of grown men don't wash their hands...but I like to get DS to wash his.


Re: ilovemygirls, do you worry about handwashing?

  • I've actually never been called out with a question on here before- caught me off guard LOL!  Anyhoo- in the middle of the night I do not care about handwashing one little bit.  I don't wash my hands when I pee in the night.  I'll admit I'm not a germaphobe, but really, it doesn't bother me at all & it never even crossed my mind!  I was just so dang thrilled she would pee by herself in the night- that was the biggie.  btw, around 4 is when we transitioned her from peeing in the little potty in her room to going in the bathroom. 
  • lol whatever you're comfortable with. I couldn't do that. I wash my hands if I so much as close the lid of the toilet for DS.
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