
plzhelp - DD has not outgrown heart murmur

DD just went for her 12 mo check up today.  They heard a slight murmur when she was born, but it's been kind of off/on (if that's possible).  At 6mos the Pedi said we'd wait it out and see.  Today he still heard it and wants an EKG done.  He thinks it's probably a "functioning murmur" and I guess that means no big deal ... but it still makes me nervous as hell!  (her other stats are just fine - better than my DS's were)
It prob doesnt help that my 10yo cat was just diagnosed w/ a severe heart murmur on Mon (his gums turned purple from just the stress of the vet) - so now he's going for xrays next week!!  Argh!

I've heard murmurs can be no big deal - anyone heard this/can reassure me? :)

Re: plzhelp - DD has not outgrown heart murmur

  • I have a murmur and have my whole life. It has never been an issue and (prior to kids) I was always very involved in all kinsa of sports and what not. The only 'issue' is that any time I have to get dental work done I have to take a preventative antibiotic to prevent infection. Sending good thoughts for your DD.
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  • I literally could have written this whole post for you :) Ava was born with a murmur and we heard it on and off. At her 15m appointment her new pedi wanted an EKG done. We had it done (4 days after Ella was born, holy hormones!) and everything was fine. It is a functioning murmur and will not give her problems. she has no restrictions, doesn't have to take antibiotics before going to the dentist, an play sports, etc. She doesn't even have to be seen again by the cardiologist.

    There is a list online that will give you the symptoms of a "bad" murmur. We couldn't get into the cardio for almost 4 months (which my pedi said was fine, because she wasn't worried) and knowing that she didn't have any of the symptoms made me feel a while lot better.

     Good luck, and keep us posted, but just remember she is FINE!!

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  • oh thank you so much!  just hearing you say that makes me feel better, altho I will probably take some time to do some research.  Thank you for your reply!!
  • My DS has a functioning murmur as well.  They didn't discover it until he was about 10 months old.  We went for an EKG adn they did an echocardiogram while we were there just to rule out any issues since my DH also has a murmur (functioning as well).  They said he's 100% fine and has no restrictions adn no need to see them again. 

    His pedi checks it on all of his well visits, just to make sure nothing has changed, but he isn't concerned about it at all.  FWIW, my DH has also had a functioning murmur his entire life with no problems at all.

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