2nd Trimester

Poll: Anyone hoping for a specific date?

I'm not talking about planning your entire pregnancy around a specific date (like having a New Year's baby or that sort of thing) - Just a date that is around your EDD and that for some reason you'd like to have your baby on (feel free to share what that reason may be!).

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Re: Poll: Anyone hoping for a specific date?

  • I am so used to my EDD of August 11th that I hope it is somewhere around there although I would really love August 13th.  My b-day is August 24th but I don't think I can hang in there that long.
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  • September 30th.  I don't know why.  I just like that date.
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  • I don't have a specific date to be born on but I would prefer to avoid August, 6-8th because the 8th is my birthday and I would rather not spend it sitting in a hospital.  Although holding a new baby would be a great gift!

  • My mom's b-day is June 16, so I think that would be really cool (even if it means being 4 days late). But she wants the baby to be born on June 11 because it was my grandfather's b-day. I'm due the 12th, so we'll see.
  • I think 9/9/09 would be fun.  The baby would have to come about 12 days early for that to happen.
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  • As early as possible once I'm full term, because I'm in a wedding on October 17th Wink

    I would prefer to have at least a few weeks to recover.

  • I'm hoping for the beginning of the week, I don't care really when, but I coach colorguard and our marching band has a ton of competitions on the weekends in October that I really don't want to miss!  I know I most likely will, but I can always hope, right?  :-)
  • I am hoping for any time after 37 weeks. With ds, I was wishing for him to come before Christmas (EDD 12/27) and you can see where that got me...
  • I'm due in the beginning of August and my birthday is July 31st...I would rather NOT be in labor on my birthday...

    Either with a baby in my arms or having a nice dinner with my family... not in the hospital!

  • I really don't care all that much, but it has crossed my mind that my EDD is August 30 and my parents' anniversary is Sept. 5. Just knowing it could happen (though I doubt I will go that early) is fun to think about.
  • I'm due on September 14th but I would love for baby to arrive on September 3rd. That was my grandmother's birthday and she passed away 5 years ago. We were extremely close and I think it would be so sweet for the baby to come on such a special day.
  • imagejohnsoar:

    I don't have a specific date to be born on but I would prefer to avoid August, 6-8th because the 8th is my birthday and I would rather not spend it sitting in a hospital.  Although holding a new baby would be a great gift!

    agreed~ i am due aug 6th and my bday is july 30th- there is a good chance they are going to induce me earlier due to blood pressure- i just dont want to have the baby on my birthday but like pp said, it would be a wonderful gift! :)

  • I would love to deliver on my due date 9-9-09!  We'll see what happens.  I know baby is going to come when baby is ready, but I hope I dont deliver on 9-11-09.  I think being so close to NYC and that day was such a bad day and a sad day, although it could turn into a happy day for us.  I dont know...I am hoping for my due date!
  • My due date is Oct. 19th and I really like that date. My bday is 8/19 and my puppy's bday is 7/19. It would just be easier for me to remember I guess.
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    BFP#1 on 02/14/09 BIRTH to Mason 6lb9oz on 10/12/09

    BFP#2 on 5/28/11 EDD 2/1/12 Natural M/C on 6/13/11

    BFP#3 on 1/20/12 EDD 9/30/12 Natural m/c on 1/27/12

    BFP#4 on 4/23/12 BIRTH to Isabella 7lb1oz on 12/19/12

  • I like July 31st.  I like that it is the last day of the month.  Weird I know.
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  • I don't have a specific date but it sure seems like everyone else I know is telling me when to have the baby...
  • My EDD is September 20, I know it is really unlikely but I would love it if he was born that day. It would be the perfect anniversary present.
  • My EDD is 8/26. That is the date my DH's Pa who lived with us passed away so I would prefer if it was not that day. It would the 1 year anniversary of his passing..

    My Mom's bday is 8/27 which would be fine, as would 8/25 DH's grandparents wedding anniversary. Really anything BUT my due date would be great.

  • I'm due July 31 and really hope he waits until August.  We have 4 birthdays in July and our anniversary.  I keep telling him he's not allowed out until August 1st! 
  • My EDD is Sept 25 and our two year anniversary is the 22nd. Although it would be a great anniversary present, I really hope I don't go early on that day. But since my date has been bumped up twice already.....I just have this feeling I might go then.
  • My EDD is 9/8/09, but I would love for it to be on 9/9/09 also!
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  • imagejhelly77:
    I think 9/9/09 would be fun.  The baby would have to come about 12 days early for that to happen.

     (August 9th ) For me too since it's my birthday ... but with my circumstances my baby will be induced the last week of July

  • EDD is 8/18.  As long as he comes before 8/23 I'll be fine.  I'm really hoping for a Leo as opposed to a Virgo.  I know....strange...but other than that i'm not picky. :)
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  • Sept. 10th because it's my Dad's b-day or Sept. 29 because it's my Mom's b-day. I'm due Sept. 25th so we'll see!
  • I personally just want to have my baby in September, as it's the month hubber and I were married. 
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  • imagejencolt:

    I think 9/9/09 would be fun.  The baby would have to come about 12 days early for that to happen.

     (August 9th ) For me too since it's my birthday ... but with my circumstances my baby will be induced the last week of July


    Hmmm...I always thought August was the 8th month...

  • My EDD is August 11th--but if the baby wanted to come on my birthday (July 17th) I'd be totally okay with that. Also, my nephews birthday is August 14th so that would be fun as well.

  • I just realized I didn't put my answer in the OP... 

    I'm due Oct 2nd but I really hope the LO shows up in september so s/he doesn't have to be the oldest of her/his class (I was the youngest and always loved it...)

    My grandma, on the other hand, want me to pop late, as her b-day is Oct 12 and she would LOVe to share it with her great grand child...

    I guess we'll see what happens!

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  • Due date is Oct. 1, but either Sept. 28 (sister's birthday) or Oct. 7 (my anniversary) would be neat. My sister's pulling for the baby to be born on her birthday, oddly enough.
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  • I'm hoping for anytime in September - my due date is Sept 3rd.  The beebs is measuring right on schedule size wise so chances are it'll be September.  We'll see!
  • I actually hope that my little one is born after or before the last week in July and the reason is that the town I live in has a huge rodeo and celebration, Cheyenne Frontier Days, that week. The town literally turns into a free for all and the partying is out of control and all I can think about is my little one turning 21 during that time. It freaks me out.
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  • imagejhelly77:
    I think 9/9/09 would be fun.

    However my ob already said he wouldn't let me go that long 2 weeks over due


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  • My EDD is September 18 and that would be my grandmother's 100th birthday.  That would be pretty great if it happened to be that day.  I'm just really hoping to not be induced.
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  • My EDD is 10/20 and so far most all of my Drs apts have been inadvertently scheduled for 10:20am so maybe that is a sign I could be the small % that actually hit their EDD.

    But then again I was walking the other day and this statement came into mind out of nowhere: I am going to have a boy and he will be born on 10/14.

  • My due date is 8/6 but I'd love for him to be born on 8/7 because my birthday is April 7th and my aunt's is 9/7, my cousin is 7/7 and my MIL is 6/7.  It would be cool to have another seven.

    Honestly, as long as he's born in August?and not early in July?I'll be THRILLED because I'll be under my DH's health insurance as of 8/1 and the cost for labor & delivery will be $500 as opposed to the $2000 or so under my insurance (for vaginal delivery... C-section would be more). Thankfully his insurance does NOT consider pregnancy to be a pre-existing condition but it sucks that his open enrollment is in July for an 8/1 activation date.


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  • imageadharper2615:

    I think 9/9/09 would be fun.  The baby would have to come about 12 days early for that to happen.

     (August 9th ) For me too since it's my birthday ... but with my circumstances my baby will be induced the last week of July


    Hmmm...I always thought August was the 8th month...

    OK Indifferent..... Anyhoo Jen my b-day is August 9 too and i too will be induced the last week of July as well

  • With my DD I was induced at 42 weeks, I hope this does not happen.  Since my EDD is 10/19 that would put me close to Halloween.  I would just like an October baby.  That way the baby will be at least 37 weeks and we don't have any October birthdays on either sides of our families. 

  • For no reason whatsoever Oct. 19th is my favorite day of the year. Really. My edd is 10/12 so it's a possibility. Of course babe could show on my b/d (9/28) or on our anniversary (10/8).

  • Anything but October 20th, because if I have to hear one more time about how MIL would like thebaby to be born on her birthday (and how it MUST be a boy) I'm going to fvcking strangle her.
    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
  • My EDD is Sept. 4th so I am really hoping for either Aug. 31 (Grandma's B-day) or I was thinking  9-9-09 would be a cool birthday!!
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