TTC after 35

Weekly Check In

This is the weekly check in post for TTC After 35.
Everyone is welcome to join!  Page Hav2run with your
info or add it to the weekly post and I will be happy to
add you.  A question of the week will be posted weekly and
everyone is welcome to post their updates for the week here too.  
I will try to get the post up on Wednesday nights.

Currently TTC

Nest Name    Age    Location    TTC since

Marriedayooper    40    IL        7/07
BirdieBrd    37    MI        9/07
njdcgirl    37    VA        9/07
leslieb923    39    CT        10/07
DrVWife        36    PA        11/07
Indianasunshine    39    TX        11/07
livvielo    36    NJ        1/08
QE2        38    NJ        3/08
lilacfritz    36    NY        6/08
NHnative    37    MA        6/08
saverchic    34    IL        7/08
pnltybox    37    NJ        8/08
Stacia1633    39    MI        8/08
Lebraly        36    MD        9/08
tkcarnes    38    MI        9/08
LizzyB11    38    IN        9/08
ChartBart    39    NM        9/08
rlkjos        35    NC        9/08
Shyntrue    41    OH        10/08
Baze2        38    OH        12/08
annies123    36    LA        12/08
itsmexine    36    CO        12/08
CathyMD        38    Canada        1/09
HollyMichael    37    IL        1/09
GymDogFran    39    GA        1/09
ecu1995        35    NC        2/09
hav2run        39    OH        2/09
Julia-Henry    39    NY        4/09
Sassystace    34    OH        4/09

TTC over 35 Mommies to be:  Success Stories!
Please let me know when I can add you to this list!

Nest Name    AGE    EDD        TTC Since

Congrats to Marriedayooper on that fantastic beta result!

Congrats to Lebraly on your BFP!

QOTW:  Let's just introduce ourselves this week since
it is the first post.  What are you doing to TTC?

Don't forget those updates.  Who is in the 2WW?  When are you
planning to test?  O dates?  Whatever you want to talk about!

Check your information in the list above and let me know if I
need to fix anything.

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Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Re: Weekly Check In

  • So the Nest hates my list formatting.  I will work on that and try to fix it so it is readable.  Silly Nest.
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    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Hav2, great job! Silly nest re: formatting.

    As for me, I chart, and this cycle started using the CBEFM.


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  • I have been:

    charting and use OPK's.

    eating more healthy which I've failed miserbly on this month because of my birthday (cupcakes from husband and cake from MIL).  

    switched to decaf coffee.

    This cycle I am doing 100mg clomid, 2mg estrace, 200mg prometrium and getting an HCG trigger, as well as acupuncture.

    Trying (which is very hard some days) to stay positive that I will be pregnant again one day soon. 

    I'm really bad about exercising I need to work on that. 



  • QE2QE2 member

    My intro: I'm 38 and live in northern NJ. I'm a Recreation Therapist by trade (worked with disabled children and traumatic brain injury patients). I just finished my graduate degree last year and I have been "taking some time for myself" before I head back to work. After having TTTC, I was diagnosed with elevated FSH, hypothyroid and polyps. DH was Dx with abnormal morphology. We also did genetic counseling and found that I carry a?hereditary?disease that my sister died from, and DH is a carrier of CF. Even though the RE said our best chance for a child is through DE, we are still moving ahead with IVF using my eggs with hopes that it works. As for what we did when TTC on our own, I tried charting, OPK's, Clomid, wheatgrass, green tea, Robitussin and Instead Cups.

    Update: Waiting for AF to arrive so I can start my stims for IVF #1. I'll be doing a microflare protocol.?Any day now...any day. ?Ooh, and I continue to give my ovaries daily pep talks for positive reinforcement, as well as read them the encouraging words you ladies post for them!

    Good luck everyone and thanks for doing this hav2run.?

    TTC since 3/08 DOR, High FSH, Hypothyroid, Uterine Polyps, blocked tube, MFI, 5 rounds of clomid, 5 IVF attempts, 2 hysteroscopies, 2 natural conceptions=2 losses (Methotrexate, D&C) Successful DE cycle twins born 10/7/11 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Hi ladies,

    I am currently in the 2ww and it is kind of sucky--the waiting is just hard and I don't feel any pg symptoms (when I had my chemical pg my boobs were extremely sore). And I still want a glass of wine (doc told me to act "as if" until we know for sure). AND the progesterone supplmements that I'm taking are making me super, super tired. So there's my whine for you! ;)

    Guess I should back up and say that this was our first 150mg Clomid/HCG trigger/IUI. I'd been on 50 and 100mg of Clomid before and neither made me ovulate (I have PCOS).


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Every month during TTC, I charted and used a CBEFM. Some months I used EPO and/or pre-seed, but this past month I didn't use either.I didn't have tons of CM.


    Hav2run- I'm waiting until after my 2nd beta tomorrow before I consider myself pg.

  • I am a bit early, but can I be added to the list?  I am only 34, but will be 35 in 3 weeks.  I've been lurking on this board for quite awhile.  I generally post over on BOTB, but I thought that since I am about to be 35 that this board might be helpful. 

    I got married last August and DH and I have been trying since Feb.  This is my 3rd cycle TTC and I just started the joyous 2ww.  My enthusiasm at a positive OPK this cycle caused DH some ahem performance anxieties, so our timing wasn't great this month and his travel schedule the next few months doesn't look promising for us, so I am fully expecting that I'll be 35 before I conceive.  DH and I live in Atlanta, GA, but are trying to move to Dallas, TX for his job. Selling a house in this economy isn't helping our stress levels either.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • After my mc in July, we have been trying since Sept. 2008 after all clear ultrasound in Aug. I have used OPK since December and I am now using the CBEFM. I am in the 2WW. If no af by April 27th they will check my progesterone levels. I hate waiting.
  • Thanks for organizing this!

    You can add my info to the list. ?I've been on this board on & off for about 2 yrs.?

    Brosis, 37, OH, TTC since 2/07

    To TTC, I'm taking prenatals along w/wheat grass capsules. ?I'm also trying to eat healthier (more fruits & veggies/fewer carbs & sweets) and go to the gym more to improve my overall health and mood. ?(Lots of sadness in the past year.) ?I'm hoping we can TTC again after testing and my next cycle in May.

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  • New here!

    34 IL 4/09

    Charting, temping and using OPK

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  • Add me too! 

    Here's my scoop:  39, live in PA, TTC since 3/08

    Just using OPK right now.   

  • I would like to be added to the list.  I'm a repeater to this board.  I was on prior to Nicholas and now we're TTC #2.  We started just last month in March of '09 and I'm currently 38 turning 39 in June.

     Since we've started back (this is my 3rd cycle I've had PP) I have only started using my CBEFM again.  I'm not charting temps as I'm still BF and Nicholas wakes up twice to nurse, so it's really hard to make sure I have that block of time sleeping.  My OB said that if I want to get really serious about TTC I need to wean Nicholas, but he's not being very cooperative about it.  I guess either he doesn't want a little brother/sister or he just really likes my boobies. Stick out tongue

    I am currently waiting to O and see if this cycle I can O earlier than CD23.  Let's keep our fingers crossed.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker TTC #1 Cycle #18 m/c Jan. 9, 2007, chemical pg May 4, 2007, methotrexate shot Oct. 5, 2007--m/c Oct. 9, 2007, IUI Nov. 17, 2007 It worked! beta 11/30 & 12/6 TTC #2 Cycle #5 IUI July 20, 2009 -BFN 8-3-09 Cycle #6 IUI August 17, 2009-BFP! 8-31-09, beta 9-1-09, 9-8-09, saw the H/B 9-22-09 EDD 5-10-10
  • Thanks so much for doing this..

    We have an appointment with the RE on Friday. I guess we will know the plan better than. We have been using opk. I am a mouth breather at night and some how I dont' think temps are really all that reliable for me. Or maybe I just don't think I want to do them..Although the opk have me ovulating at day 13 0r 14 every month...

    I will keep you posted

    "Onward"--CathyMD Waiting since 07/5/2011 for our forever child! Yep we are adopting!
  • I live in Indianapolis, Indiana, and am a fourth-grade teacher. I am going to ovulate next week (hopefully! No anovulatory cycles yet). DH and I go to the male infertility urologist on May 5, and I also scheduled my first appointment with an RE that my friend recommended. She is currently pregnant with twins through IVF, so he's got my confidence vote. Good luck to all in the 2ww! Thanks for doing this!

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  • DH and I are both married last September and started TTC then.  I am currently in the was my 2nd round of 100mg clomid and my third IUI.  My beta is on 4/28...and I'm trying to stay positive.  This will be the last IUI before we move on to IVF...if necessary.  We will be in Hawaii next month during O time so we may get lucky and have a little souvenir to bring back.

    Thanks for organizing this!


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  • Thanks so much for doing this!

    I am 37 and will be 38 in June.  We just got married this past November.  I went off BCP right away, but we have only been actively trying since January.  Is that all?  It seems like a year already.  I have been charting and using the CBEFM, but this cycle I took a break from both since I knew I would be Oing when I was away from DH on a girl's trip.  Right now I am in the 2ww, but I am really just waiting for AF because our timing was bad.  I have an appt with my dr. in May and I am hoping she will start some tests.

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  • I am just starting an IVF cycle - tonight was day 3 of stims.  I have a son from a previous IVF cycle; between him and this cycle we had a failed FET and then we tried some lower intervention methods - specifically Femara - but didn't have any success.  We didnt necessarily think we would as we have MFI and ovulatory issues but thought it was worth a try before doing IVF again.  Anyway, last time I did IVF I was on a long Lupron protocal, so this feels very fast to me! 

     Best of luck to everyone, and congrats to the BFP's!

  • introduction

    I am 35 and live in NH. DH and i were married July 08.  We  have been trying ttc since 9/07. This is my first clomid cycle and DH has MFI. I am currently 13dpo and just waiting to test either tomorrow or friday. if temps are still up in the morning and no AF than i will test.

  • I'd also love to join!!

    I'm 35 & DH is 33.  We have 2 DD's who are 19 months apart and the loves of my life.  I work part time and spend the rest of my time being mama and wife.  We've been TTC#3 for the past 8 months.  My cycles are all over the map.  My first pp AF consisted of 59days of bleeding...yep you read that right!  I'm hoping this month to actually ovulate and get things back to normal.  I recently started using OPK's and started charting 4days ago. 

    GL to all of you!!

  • I am 39 and live in Cincinnati, OH.  I have an 18 year old son who graduates HS in one month (yes, that does make you feel old), and an almost 9 month old daughter (see siggy).  We waited 23 cycles for our BFP with DD.  I had problems with short, erratic cycles, and very short LPs.  I charted, used CBEFM, took B6 and baby aspirin when we got the BFP.  I was only a few weeks away from talking to the RE about IUI or IVF when we found out we were pregnant.

    I fully expect I may still be here in 20 months waiting for the BFP this time around too.  We are 3 cycles in now.  Right now, I am taking it easy, enjoying the QT with DH.  I will start charting and CBEFM next cycle.  I still take my B6 every day.  I should be in 2WW, but I am fairly sure I was anovulatory this cycle.  :(

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    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Hi! ?I am 39 and DH is 46. ?We started ttc in Nov. '07. ?We tried for 6 months on ?our own and then went to the RE. ?All of our testing came back normal except I had a lot of polyps in my uterus. ?I was also diagnosed hypothyroid last July. ?I had surgery to remove the polyps, and DH went to see a urologist who decided that his SA wasn't all that good after all. ?He suggested we do a limited number of IUIs and then move to IVF w/ICSI. So after 2 IUIs w/injectables, here we are on day 3 of stims for IVF. ?18 months later. ?I am so ready to be a mom!
    Image  by TinyPic Me 43, DH 49 Married November 3, 2007 TTC #1 since November 2007 First RE appointment May 13, HSG 5/17- tubes are clear, SA - very good, FSH 6.8, rubella immunity, saline sonogram 7/2 - uterine polyps, hysteroscopy date FINALLY 9/4! Blood pressure and thyroid are under control! Come on BFP!!!! My Blog IUI#1 1/14 , AF=BFN 1/28, IUI #2 3/9, AF=BFN 3/20 Cycle 20 IVF #1 = BFP!!! Beta #1- 196 Beta #2- 784 Egg retrieval 5/1 - 11 eggs! Update 5/2 - 9 mature, 7 fertilized! Embryo transfer 5/6 - transferred 2 beautiful blasts and have one snowbaby Induction scheduled for 01/11/10 - 38 weeks, 1 day April 3, 2012 FET with snowbaby (identical twins) BFN and a big broken heart Moving on to DE Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker8/2012-Donor chosen! 9/2012-12/2012-Donor passed all testing, off BC pills, waiting to complete 2 full cycles. 12/16/2012-cannot move forward with donor, cycles not regulating. 12/17-New proven donor 1/11- started Lupron on our baby boy's 3rd birthday 
    Egg retrieval 2/27 - 27 eggs, 24 mature, 19 fertilized
    Embryo transfer 3/4 - 2 beautiful, hatching blasts and nothing left to freeze.  Beta #1 461 9dp5dt. Beta #2 1230 11dp5dt.
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  • Hehe I wish I was still 36.  I'm 38. DH is 39, we are TTC #1. We are in cycle 5 and this month I used CBEFM, charting (first time) and we tried preseed.  I am 3 days away from when AF usually arrives and I'm desperately trying not to test. But I will test on Saturday if my temps stay high.
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  • Ooh!  I'd like to be added!

    married2mrwright  34 Tulsa, OK TTC since 03/2009

    I am charting and also using a CBEFM. In addition to my PNV I am taking a B Complex, Magnesium, Calcium and Flax Seed Oil.

    I will be 35 in November and DH will be 32 next month.  We met in 1995, been together since 2001 and were married in 2007.  We are TTC our first. 

    I went off BCP in January (was on it from July 2007 - Decemeber 2008) and started charting.  I've lost 22 lbs since then with moderate exercise (walking 1.5-3 miles/day) and watching what I eat (no added sugar or salt, lean proteins, fresh veggies and fruit, low glycemic carbs and lowfat dairy).  I plan to keep losing slowly until I get a BFP. 

    I have cut out all caffiene (I drank Green Tea in Jan/Feb to transition off coffee) and alcohol.  My cycles are consistently 31 days with a 14 day LP and O around CD17.  After charting in January and February, March was our first cycle TTC.  I am waiting to O now and hopefully we'll get lucky this cycle!

  • I have been just been having timed intercourse (doc's recommendation) based on my normal cycles.  This month I have been using FF and charting.  I made my appt with my gyno to re-eval our situation and see where we go from here and DH has an appt for a SA.

    I will be in my window of ovulation this weekend so we will be BDing and hoping for a BFP!

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  • So here's my story.

       I'm 39 dh is 29.We've been married since June 2008, and have been trying since August 2008.  Tried on our own for 6 mos.(charting, OPKs) and was sent to an RE.Eggs look good,  tubes all clear, but husbands SA on the low end of normal.   We've been told our option is IVF. Next week DH has to submit another SA  to the RE (which let me tell you he's just thrilled about).

    Right now is O'time.


    Thanks hav2run! 


  • *waves at Mrs.PeachyKeen*  It's good to have a local here!  I only saw one other "Southerner" on the list and was starting to think that we must all "have 'em young" down here!

    I am 39 and DH 42.  We are still new at this (4th cycle), but I already have a GYN appt scheduled for after next cycle.  Hopefully, I'll get the rec and an RE appt just after the 6th cycle.

    I am in the 2ww, but not hopeful.  We have been using CBEFM which has worked great.  I have had Day 9 to Day 12 Highs, Day 13 and 14 Peaks, and Day 15 High, like clockwork, except this cycle.  I didn't get a Peak through Day 15, which figures, since both DH and I were traveling from Day 13 on.  I wasn't able to use the CBEFM after that because of traveling, so who knows if I even O'ed this cycle.  If so, the timing certainly wasn't good!  

    Unfortunately, I haven't given up caffeine or lost much weight or done anything else to prepare.

    Thanks for doing this Have2Run!


  • Hi Everyone!  Thanks Hav2Run for doing this! (BTW, I'm from Cincy too!)

    My name is Laura, I'm 41, DH is 43.  Married October 08, trying since the end of Oct 08.  I didn't get AF until March 09.  This is our 2md cycle.  If it is anything like last cycle (who knows) I will be ovulating on Friday... So, we have been having lots of "fun" this week.  I have been charting my temps since January, but just started doing CM this cycle... Not much there, so I will do robatussin next cycle if needed.  Using Pre-Concieve Plus (from CVS).  In January my GYN told me I was in menopause (through BW & US).  My BW was very high, but I am convinced it was still just coming off the BCP that threw off the tests.... Time will tell.  According to my temps last cycle, I did ovulate.  My LF was only 7 days last cycle though so, I'll most likely start B6 soon.  Wow, that was long!

    I am in Human Resources at a small manufacturing company, been here 15 years.

    Good Luck to everyone!

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  • Thanks for doing this hav2run!

    We've been married almost 5 years and finally decided to TTC last summer. We conceived 2 of the first 3 months we tried but had 2 early losses. Since then its been no luck at all. Our first appointment with the RE is May 7 and I am actually relieved because my OB hasn't been too helpful.

    We are TTC with OPKs and charting. I drink grapefruit juice and green tea. This month I added Vitamin B complex and Pomegranate tablets which I read about as being potentially helpful for spotting and a short luteal phase. Right now I am either 13 or 14 DPO and unfortunately I've been having light spotting for 6 days. Plus my temperatures are falling and I have no symptoms so I am pretty certain AF will be here tomorrow. 


  • Hi and thanks for doing's interesting to see where everyone is on their TTC journey!

    I'm 37 (38 next month) and he's 32.  We live in New Jersey and have been seriously TTC since 8/08.  We have not been using BC for several years, thinking whatever happens will happen, but then I just found myself really, really wanting to make it happen and be a mom.  My cycles have always been messed up and AF only comes natually 3-4 times a year, so I knew getting pg naturally was a longshot. 

     I'm on my 4th cycle of Clomid/Estrodiol (2x50mg, 1x100mg and currently on 150mg).  Last month was the first month I saw a +OPK so that was exciting for me!!!!  I'm currently on CD13 and am waiting for my second +OPK so we can (in my best Barry White voice) Get It On!  I purchased a CBEFM, but after reading that medications such as Clomid can affect the readings, have been unable to use it.......bummer!  Assuming I O this month, I have 2 more months on 150mg Clomid and then on to an RE.  But I'm hoping, as we all are, for a BFP before then!

    Best of luck to all you ladies!!

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