I went in for my bloodwork yesterday afternoon, they just called and at 13dpo my hcg was 139!!! They didnt give me the # for the progesterone but said it was good and I dont need supplements like I did with Connor.
They arent having me come back for repeat bloodwork until monday because everything looks right on track and they feel it would be better to wait until then to make sure the pregnancy is progressing the way it should be. From there they will either keep my first u/s as I scheduled it for 8 weeks or move it a week or two earlier.
I think this one is going to stick
Re: First Beta Back !
That's great news! I am glad your levels are where they should be, and continue to go up (and I'm glad they actually called with the results quickly!)
Looks like you have the potential for a New Year's Eve baby!
TTC since Jan 07. Dx with PCOS Jan 08
Don't you mean these TWO are going to stick? Heh, heh. I'm standing by my instinct - you're having twins!
Yay! I'm so glad that things are looking good for you this time!
Lots of friends have had twins lately, and right now nobody is pregnant with twins (that I know of). So it's someone's turn and I pick Tamara!
And just ask her, her DH mentioned it before I did!
its true - DH is convinced its twins!!!
aside from his "gut" there are a couple of reasons he thinks it is...
a) i can usually feel when I ovulate and I swear this month I felt it on both sides - but that could've been something else
b) i had my hcg checked at 7dpo and it was 0.... by 13 it was 139 which is a really quick doubling time
I'm hoping that there is just ONE very healthy sticky baby there, i dont think I could handle two in addition to Connor !!!