My DS was born with a PDA and PFO. He's now 5 1/2 months and doing great but the doc said the murmer is still there and is now louder. He said it gets louder as it gets smaller. I took him in again the other day because we're traveling soon and I wanted him to get checked out. I just feel like when I put my hand on his chest I feel his heart pounding more than DD and can definitly feel the murmer. He said there was nothing to worry about right now and that there isn't anything they would do until he's 6 months. I asked him why I know of so many others how were given meds much earlier than that and he said that is only in severe cases because to give it to him before 6 months is too hard on his kidneys.
Any insite would be helpful. I love our pedi but I can't help but to question him on this.
Re: PDA- when to admin. medicine?
Thanks for the replies. They told me about the PDA when he was 3 days old, and always made it sound like they would try medicine later. I feel like i'm getting the run around and wondering if it's because our original Pedi didn't give him the med. earlier.