
early "terrible twos"

AHH..I really think that my boys have gotten the "terrible twos" early! Not real early, though..They will be 2 in July. I've always be extremely lucky and they have always been so good and easy to take out on my own.

Now, it's so frustrating. I feel like I'm constantly saying "NO!" to them and it's a struggle to take them out on my own. They just won't sit still in their stroller..or they'll put their feet on the front wheels making it difficult to push.

On top of that, they are both climbing out of their cribs. I have to sit in their room before naps and bed so that they will actually lay down and take a nap, instead of climbing out and destroying their room, lol. Before, when they would wake up in the morning, they would stay in their cribs and relax for a while before calling me, but now, they are up and out by 6:00. (BTW..we're changing their cribs to toddler beds asap. For now, I have the front rail lowered so they can safetly get out, but they really lower themselves carefully out, rather than falling)

 Anyone going through something similar? Any advice?

Thanks for letting me vent and sorry if I sound like a big baby! It's just been a difficult week.

Re: early "terrible twos"

  • ...and to make matters worse, the leaf pickup truck just decided to come and pick up the leaves today that have been sitting out front for 2 months and wake them up after only 20 minutes..AHH.
  • We had the pre-terrible twos as well - usually in the form of temper tantrums.  The only advice I can give is to continue to set guidelines and don't let them get away with bad behavior.
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  • Yep, all this started earlier for us too. The boys turned 2 on Tuesday, but they started climbing out of their cribs about 3 months ago. We've taken everything out of theri room besides their beds. Their room looks like a jail cell, but we just got tired of telling them "no!" for climbing on top of the dresser, turning over lamps, etc. Like the PP said, just continue with solid discipline and take a big, deep breath (I do this many times a day!) They are just exploring, esp. Mommy's patience!

  • Right there with ya. Mine are 20m and right now instead of sleeping peacefully like her sister, Molly is upstairs going, "daaadddaa?? Mommmmaaaaaaa??!!" Argh... The fits over everything are getting on my nerves too, but what can you do? TOs work for now, ignoring the fit or walking away from it also works, but for how long?

    It's a stage and it passes in a year or two but gah... so stressing with both of you!

    no day but today~ RENT  *HEG survivors*
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  • I was a nanny for my niece when she was about 2 years old. I know its not twins, but we found the best way to deal with the misbehaving and the tantrums was distraction. We also used Signing Time Videos (was a give away a week or so ago on the multiples blog). My niece learned to sign and it gave her another way to communicate with us. There are studies out there about this. We also used signing as a distraction. When she was about to get herself in trouble, we would ask her to show us some signs. And she would and totally forget about pulling all the dvds off the shelf! I know that helps a little.
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