
Are you dealing with colic?

We're 99% sure we're dealing with colic with Brady.  Fun stuff!  We go to the dr soon for a weight check so I'll be discussing with her of course.

 In the meantime, I have been talking with someone I know that is an infant specialist in pediatric occupational therapy.  She highly recommends going the natural route, some of which have already worked to calm the crying.  She also recommended using Colic Calm gripe's the only gripe water FDA regulated I guess and is way better than any OTC.  Does anyone use this?  Feedback?  Any other tricks!?!?

Re: Are you dealing with colic?

  • Gripe water is otc, but the bottle is so small that when my son was colicy we went through a bottle in about a week.  The gripe water does work, but it takes a while to kick...Honestly, his pedi switched his fromula to Similac Alimentum and he started sleeping through the night and those 2-3 hour spells of crying went right away...I honesly tried so many tricks and nothing work except for him


  • I also think Bella has colic.  I'm not sure how it's actually diagnosed, but she cries a lot due to gas and belly issues. Like PP, we're also using Similac Allimentum to supplement because she's having weight gain issues.  We were using "regular" formula, but she started having blood in her dirty diapers so they think she's allergic to milk & soy proteins.

    I just gave Bella grip water because she was hysterical.  She's now sleeping ... so I guess it works.  It doesn't always do the trick, but it's worth a shot!

    Some other things we've tried that sometimes work are ....

    holding her on your forearm, face down with her legs and arms hanging down on either side of your arm.  Hold his head with your hand.  This is supposed to help and does a lot of the time with Bella.

    We also got an exercise ball (like for yoga) yesterday and if you lay him on that face down and rock him with your hand on his back it can sometimes help. 

    She also likes to curl up with her legs pulled under her belly and lay on my chest with her paci.  It takes a while to calm her this way, but eventually she calms down and will fall asleep.  The trick is getting her to stay asleep when I put her down. :)

    GOOD LUCK!  I'm going to the doctor at 2PM and if I get any other suggestions I'll let you know.

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  • AidgeAidge member

    Ugh. Colic.  We were told since about 2 weeks after Sam's due date that his extreme fussiness was due to colic.  At that point, he was EBF, so I changed my diet to see if it was an allergy, had his stools tested, you name it. Still very fussy.  Fast forward to about 8 months or so, and he became less fussy.  I'll never forget talking to a nurse when the colic was at its worst and she told us that it could potentially last until 8 MONTHS ADJUSTED! And it did. Not to scare you, but I want to forewarn you that it may not "go away" like everyone says it does.  It may just be the temperment as well.  Until then, this is what we did (and Sam didn't just have his fussy times... he was fussy pretty much all day long):

    -Holding in the football position while constantly moving.

    -Wearing him in his Moby Wrap.

    -Rocking him in his carseat.

    -Giving him a bath.

    -Mylicon gas drops seemed to help at night.

    ***Honestly, and maybe I'm jaded b/c Sam's colic lasted forever and was very severe, but it truly is a wait it out thing.  There are definitely ways to calm the baby, but our Sam was having none of it and just wanted to be held 24/7.  There's always the book/video "Happiest Baby on the Block."  GL to you!

  • Marino was colicky from 6 weeks to 4 months. Best tricks - lots of stimulation during the day, and the Happiest Baby on the Block techniques (shhhing, rocking, pacficer). It will pass, I promise! I now have a baby that almost never cries!
  • We used Happi Tummi from (at least I think that is the site).  We got it as a shower gift and never expected to use it.  It was WONDERFUL.  Usually within minutes of putting it on DD she felt better and was much calmer. I know you can get them online for about $14 or so, but I think you *might* be able to get them at CVS as well.  They are just a wrap you put around their tummi that has herbs, etc. inside a pouch.  You warm it up in the microwave for a VERY SHORT time ... and then velcro it on over a onsie. 


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