When my husband and I got pregnant with Amelia, my parents were in town visiting for Thanksgiving. The stick said we were ovulating, so it was time to do the dirty....even though they were just down the hall.
Fast forward to this month. We just got the okay to start to TTC from the OB. I am going to be getting a procdure done for my kidney stones in time for us to TTC this coming month. Based on the calculator, I should be ovulating the weekend after next.....guess who will be visiting that weekend.
Here's hoping they are good luck charms again (although I am not holding my breath!).
Re: Kinda funny good luck charm
Well my brother is a pilot with an airline. Therefore my parents can fly there for free....maybe I can start renting them out!
Well my brother is a pilot with an airline. Therefore my parents can fly there for free....maybe I can start renting them out!