I'm kind of in between some options. I plan to strongly encourage them to do something, anything, try several things if they must, but if they are unhappy then I will accept other options (part time job, volunteering, cleaning the house!)
Hmmmmm - I would love to meet anyone that would opt to stay home with good ole mom to clean the house over taking a karate class- LOL! You crack me up Dai!
With Kevin it was important to me that he try different things outside of school and home and I will be the same way with Keira.
Kevin was involved in many different things, soccer, baseball, basketball. football, karate, boy scouts, drum lessons, etc. (not all at the same time obviously). Some he liked and continued and some he didn't and quit after 1 season. His interest didn't have to be the same as mine.
I put Other. This really only applies to DD right now. We have tried different classes and some I did, some I did not. Ultimately, when she is old enough, it will be up to her to decide what she wants to pursue.
Re: POLL: What is your opinion on e.c. activities for your DCs?
With Kevin it was important to me that he try different things outside of school and home and I will be the same way with Keira.
Kevin was involved in many different things, soccer, baseball, basketball. football, karate, boy scouts, drum lessons, etc. (not all at the same time obviously). Some he liked and continued and some he didn't and quit after 1 season. His interest didn't have to be the same as mine.