
Whats with all the crazies today? & cute PIP

So today was Sophie's first trip to the supermarket, and the 1st time sitting in a shopping cart.  Usually I push her in the stroller & DH handles the shopping cart, but I went out alone today since we needed food and I wanted to get out of the

I get as far as the 1st aisle and this lady starts talking to me and talking to Sophie and reaches out to touch her and I said she is just started going out in public, she was a preemie.  And she still reaches out to touch to her hand!  WTF.  So the lady goes on to say how cute & big Sophie is and she is cuter than the Octobabies...WTH?  Then she kept following me around the store & blocking the aisles.

So then I get home and I'm unpacking groceries, the house phone rings and its the hospital where Sophie was in the NICU asking for donations.  She was like can I count on you for $1,000, Umm, NO, she she keeps going on-how bout $500, how about $250.  I was like, what aren't you getting....those are all out of my league donation-wise.  Oh what a day!


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Re: Whats with all the crazies today? & cute PIP

  • WTF..I dread the day when I bring her out and this happens...Ill yell no she is contagious....haha if they ask what she has ill say cuteness and she cant be touched because I dont want it worn off,...
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  • MCGMKMCGMK member
    Yikes!!  People can be so weird.  I've been lucky with people not touching DS when we go out in public.  Especially right after we were allowed out of hibernation.  I did, however, have one lady standing behind me in the check out line ask me if she could hold him.  Um no!!  Random strangers don't hold my child. 
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  • I recommend all parents, whether preemie or not, get this sign from My Tiny Hands.  I got ours from the Synagis RSV shot manufacturer and I swear it stops even the most aggressive grocery granny dead in her tracks.   It's only $5 and worth every penny.  I will continue to use mine as long as I can find a way to attach it to  my stroller.

  • I recommend all parents, whether preemie or not, get this sign from My Tiny Hands.  I got ours from the Synagis RSV shot manufacturer and I swear it stops even the most aggressive grocery granny dead in her tracks.   It's only $5 and worth every penny.  I will continue to use mine as long as I can find a way to attach it to  my stroller.


    I have 2 of these...1 on her carseat, 1 on the stroller...people don't read!  This help's 1/2 the time and only when she was in the carseat.  Mine were free, I went on the Synagis website.

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  • It is SOO annoying when people touch DD. I work at an assisted living, and DD is "The Baby" of the place- the first one born there to an employee, so she is pretty special to all of my co-workers and the residents. When I bring her in, which is rare, I carry around a giant bottle of hand sanitizer and tell people to use it if they want to touch her. Most of the old people there just completely ignore me and touch her. Then I have to ask, not so politely this time, again to use hand sanitizer. Most of the time I will get the response "Oh, I'm not sick," or "Oh, I just washed my hands." REALLY? I don't give an F if you're not sick, or if you just washed your hands five minutes ago, because I'm pretty sure you probably touched about 20 things since then. Why can't people just listen to us when we respectfully ask not to touch our little ones??
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  • People are weird. When Maddox was a little younger..the first time I took him to the mall some old lady walked up and went to rub his head. I said "please don't touch him" and the girl that was with her (her daughter that had a toddler with her) said to me in a condescending tone, "Just so you know your baby carries your antibodies for the first 3 months" I didn't even feel like getting into it with that ignorant idiot!

    I was tempted to say "oh, well in that case go wipe your butt and then touch my baby" 

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