So today was Sophie's first trip to the supermarket, and the 1st time sitting in a shopping cart. Usually I push her in the stroller & DH handles the shopping cart, but I went out alone today since we needed food and I wanted to get out of the
I get as far as the 1st aisle and this lady starts talking to me and talking to Sophie and reaches out to touch her and I said she is just started going out in public, she was a preemie. And she still reaches out to touch to her hand! WTF. So the lady goes on to say how cute & big Sophie is and she is cuter than the Octobabies...WTH? Then she kept following me around the store & blocking the aisles.
So then I get home and I'm unpacking groceries, the house phone rings and its the hospital where Sophie was in the NICU asking for donations. She was like can I count on you for $1,000, Umm, NO, she she keeps going on-how bout $500, how about $250. I was like, what aren't you getting....those are all out of my league donation-wise. Oh what a day!
Re: Whats with all the crazies today? & cute PIP
I recommend all parents, whether preemie or not, get this sign from My Tiny Hands. I got ours from the Synagis RSV shot manufacturer and I swear it stops even the most aggressive grocery granny dead in her tracks. It's only $5 and worth every penny. I will continue to use mine as long as I can find a way to attach it to my stroller.
I recommend all parents, whether preemie or not, get this sign from My Tiny Hands. I got ours from the Synagis RSV shot manufacturer and I swear it stops even the most aggressive grocery granny dead in her tracks. It's only $5 and worth every penny. I will continue to use mine as long as I can find a way to attach it to my stroller.
I have 2 of these...1 on her carseat, 1 on the stroller...people don't read! This help's 1/2 the time and only when she was in the carseat. Mine were free, I went on the Synagis website.
People are weird. When Maddox was a little younger..the first time I took him to the mall some old lady walked up and went to rub his head. I said "please don't touch him" and the girl that was with her (her daughter that had a toddler with her) said to me in a condescending tone, "Just so you know your baby carries your antibodies for the first 3 months" I didn't even feel like getting into it with that ignorant idiot!
I was tempted to say "oh, well in that case go wipe your butt and then touch my baby"