I am excited for this board! Let's all introduce ourselves...
I started here on the knot (spend a lot of time on the TN knot board, but not under this name, it was either JCM052707 or DressageQueen26) in 2005.
DH and I are from MI and have lived in the Nashville area for almost 3 1/2 years and got married May 2007 at the Hilton Downtown.
We spent 2008 TTC and doing fertility treatments (I have severe PCOS) and got pregnant in December using acupuncture, herbs, and diet changes. Needless to say, we are very excited to be expecting our baby boy in August!
We also have 3 dogs (all mutts/rescues which I am really passionate about) and 1 horse. I LOVE to knit and try to be pretty eco friendly, etc. We live about 35 min. south of Nashville.
Can't wait to "meet" everyone.
Re: Get to know each other post?
I live in the Knoxville area (about an hour north) and I've lived here my whole life. DH and I are TTC #1 and I am so excited! I can't wait to be a mother! I'm actually looking forward to things like breastfeeding, baths, middle of the night wake ups, and mostly just introducing the first grandchild for both our families!
I'm so glad to have found the bump. I have made a few friends and it's nice to socialize with other people like me.
I live about 20 min North of Nashville. I too spent lots of time on the local Knot board in 2005 and 2006 planning our wedding for May 2006.
DH and I had a surprise BFP in Summer of 07 but lost that baby at 14 weeks in Nov 07. I then got BFP on our 2nd Anniversary but miscarried a couple weeks later. After lots of testing they found I had a issue with absorbing folic acid like I should and so I was put on a baby aspirin a day and a special vitamin. I also went to a natural Dr and starting on herbs and vitamins and accupunture. We got our 3rd BFP in Nov and we are so excited to be having a little girl in July. We are having her at Baptist and I'm hoping to do a natural birth. Great to get to know all of you.
Hi, girls!
I live in Mount Juliet. My husband and I moved here from Green Hills almost 3 years ago. (Actually, 2 weeks before my son was born), and we moved to Green Hills from Austin, TX.
I have a 2.5 year old son named Ethan. He was born July 29.
I am currently pregnant with our second child. It took us 16 months and 1 miscarriage to become pregnant with this baby. So, needless to say, we are excited!
Oh, and I work full time!
I am seeing some old faces from wedding planning days.
I am currently in Sprinfield. We moved here about 6 months ago, when my mother became ill. She was doing better so we were thinking of moving toward Hedersonville. She was diagonsed with cancer 3 weeks ago, so now moving is put on hold.
I have one little girl who is 19 months. We are currently TTA and do not plan on having more children.
Seems im extra late posting, but what the heck!
I moved to Clarksville in Nov 04 and lived there until June 07 when I moved to Nashville. I lived in Nashville for a year before moving to Alabama. I will be moving back to TN in about a month and a half! and I cant wait!
TN has become home, I am originally from the Seattle area but have been gone from the area for 10 years now.
I just had my 3rd and VERY LAST baby, haha. I also have a 9 year old daughter and an 8 year old son. They are all the loves of my life.
add me to the extra late posters, but i just found out about this local board from 2nd tri...woo hoo!
I'm 34, and live in the midtown/university area of Memphis (Go Tigers!)...I've lived in Memphis my whole life, except for one year in college, when I lived in Nashville (Lipscomb, freshman year).
I'm a fierce defender of my city, even with all its faults.
I work in the music industry in town (indie label distributor), and DH works for a local video & commercial production company. We both graduated from the University of Memphis (me in 1997, DH in 2006).
We got married in September of 2004, and are expecting our 1st baby, a boy, on October 18. We also have one "furbaby," my 14 year old cat, Boo.
I'm so excited to find a local board on here!!!
Hi everyone! I just realized that there is a TN board! Yay!
I'm a 26 yr old first time mom and DH and I live in Franklin, TN (about 20 min south of Nashville). We are both graduates of MTSU where we met about six years ago. We were married on April 5th, 2008 and are super excited to be expecting our first child (a son) in October!
Glad to have found a local board on here and can't wait to get to know you ladies!
Hi everyone,
I'm Rebecca and I'm 26. My husband andi live in Chattanooga and we're expecting our first baby on February 22, 2010!
Hey Everyone!
I just found out about this board too!!! We just moved from Cool Springs to Spring Hill where we built a house. We are delivering at Williamson Medical Center in Franklin. I'm Crystal, 23 and my husband Kevin, 37 have just recently gotten married March 23, 2009. This is our first child and we are due February 9, 2010. We couldn't be more excited!!!
I'm in Chattanooga. I've only been here since Jan 09!
Great to see other TN mommies-to-be!
I currently live on the southeast side of ClarksvilleFt. Campbell area but will be moving back to Mt. Juliet next month. I am due Dec 23rd and will be having a little girl. She is my first and I wil be delivering at Baptist in Nashville.
I am recently divorced after almost 4 years of marriage as of the end of April which is also when I found out I was pregnant. My ex husband currently lives 500 miles away now so I have been pretty much on my own except for my mother, sister and friends who are great. I work full time and then some so that keeps me occupied the majority of the time.
I live in Kingsport, expecting our 1st baby February 12th, 2010. I work as a receptionist, DH is in sales.
Not much else is going on in our lives other than work, church and for me, sleeping! I hope that part finishes fairly soon cos I would like to get on with the planning part of having this baby!
I know it's been forever since you posted but I also live in the Knoxville area and just came across the local board. I was looking for an update... were you successful in TTC? I'm 32 weeks along and none of my friends are prego's so its always nice when you find someone who is going through the same things you are.
small world!! I live in Johnson City!!
I am 29 years old and my husband and I live in Thompsons Station. We just recently got married. Our wedding date was set for November 7th and then I found out I was pregnant. I was on the pill!! Needless to say we changed the date and had a small ceremony on September 29th! It was the best and I wouldn't change a thing! I am pregnant with our first child and am due in April. I will be delivering at Baptist.
Hello! I am 26 and have been married 3.5 years. My DH and I welcomed our baby girl in June of 2008. She is the light of our lives. We are expecting a baby boy (name to be decided) this upcoming April. We live in South Nashville. My DH works downtown and I teach Kindergarten in Rutherford County, which is just south of Nashville.
Super excited we finally have our own local board!