
What does your doc consider "term" with twins?

a friend asked me today and i realized i had no idea.

i know with a singleton 37w is considered term... is it earlier for twins?  I mean, i know that they most commonly come around 35/36w... but wasn't sure about what they considered term.


tia! :)

Re: What does your doc consider "term" with twins?

  • i was told labor would not be stopped after 34 weeks
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  • mine told me the earliest is 32-34
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  • They would not stop labor after 34 weeks but would schedule a delivery after term at 37 weeks.
  • With triplets, my doctor kept saying that my goal should be 34 weeks.  And they won't let their patients go past 36 weeks plus a few days with triplets.

    Regardless, twins or triplets born before 37 weeks are still considered preemies (pre-term).  Hmmmmmm. 


  • that all makes sense.

    my peri office told me i would not have anymore cervical length checks - since my next US with them is at 32w they said at 32w it's OK if i go into labor- so i guess that is what they consider "term" or at least "OK".... i'll have to ask my Ob what he feels.

    he is going to schedule my c/s for 38w - but knows i might not make it that far- it's just the earliest they will schedule it.

  • lung maturity happens at 37 weeks, so any baby born before then could have premature lungs...and would be considered pre-term and not fully developed. ?that said, many babies born at 35 weeks have no issues and spend no nicu i guess it all depends on the baby.
  • Mine would not stop labor at 34 weeks.  Was fine to deliver them at 35w6d.
  • Dang, am I the only one that my hospital/doctor will let me go into labor if it is 36+ weeks? He said they will stop it before then. He considers term 37 weeks.

    Melissa :)?

  • They told me they would not stop labor starting at 34/35 weeks but they would not schedule a c-section or induction until 38
  • Yeah, like a pp said, techically any baby born before 37 weeks is pre-term. I saw different OBs through the course of my pregnancy and the earliest any of them talked about scheduling a C-section or induction was "36 to 37 weeks"; most said 37-38.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • My ob/peri told me they wouldn't stop labor after 35 weeks.  That was my goal when I went into pre-term labor at 33 weeks and mine were born at exactly 35 weeks!
  • Term is still 37 weeks with twins.  Term describes the development of the babies, rather than the likelihood of when they will come. 

     That being said, my peri said that babies born 34 weeks or later have the same long term chance of success and health as babies born at 40 weeks.  The average twin pregnancy lasts 36 weeks.  And my peri wouldn't induce until 39 weeks (although every doc is different on that last number). 

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  • My doctor also wouldn't stop labor after 34 weeks, but technically considered me term at 37 weeks. He said that his goal for me was 35 weeks and every day after that was just icing on the cake.
  • 37w is considered full-term for twins, but my peri said she would not stop labor past 34w. ?Apparently, after 34w the babies do just as well outside as inside.
  • regardless of how many kids you have in there term is always 37 weeks.


  • 37w at my office.
    no day but today~ RENT  *HEG survivors*
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  • My OB said that they typically see twins around 36/37 weeks, but I don't know if they consider that 'term' or just average.  I think that's the time that Dr. Luke's book says is term for twins.
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