...and by this I mean not right away at 6 or 12 weeks old. Did you notice that he/she started to have bad dreams and/or wake up in the night more often at first?
Ian has been having a horrid week of waking up at night. Last night I was up no less than 5 times - 3 for Ian and 2 for Max. And then up for the day at 6:15. I am wondering if it's more than just his teeth that's bothering him. If you noticed this, how long did it last? I don't know how long it's going to take him to get used to going 3 days/week.
Re: If you sent your DC to daycare "late"...
Happy Easter!!
It could be. Nora didn't go to daycare until like 15 months and it took her a good week or even week and a half to adjust to any changes, like if we had to change providers, etc. I honestly don't remember if she woke up more, but it seems to me she did for a spell.?
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
We didn't have that at all. DS went to daycare at 5 months and HATED it, it was a huge trauma for all of us. We ended up sacking the stupid daycare that was clearly unresponsive but it cost me my job which sucked.
He started again at 18 months and thrived.
It could be that their food has lots of preservatives. We found whenever he had sausages he woke up at night screaming. Didn't matter if it was the organic ones we bought or at daycare. Had to request no sausages and we don't buy them anymore (not that we did that often, maybe once a month).