
Do twins "drop" like singletons?

I was just thinking today how nice it would be for these little guys to give me some more breathing room, but then I started wondering if there's enough room for twins to drop like singletons do. 

I never thought of it before today, but it's got me thinking now.  What has been your experience?

Re: Do twins "drop" like singletons?

  • My Mom swears she can tell from pictures that I dropped.  I never felt any relief though until they were born and didn't see a dramatic change of dropping. 


    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • From my experience.....they drop! I can fit my palm between my cleavage and the top of my bump now. AND they feel way,way low.....not to mention it looks like my belly is touching my thighs!!! Good luck...hope some breathing relief comes soon!!!
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  • Mine did not because they were both transverse breech.  Laying horizontally did not give them room to drop at all.
    Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

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