About 2 months ago, I started really pushing the please/thank you thing with my son. He will be 3 in June. Up until then, I just modeled it.
About half the time he's fine but the other half he won't say it. I make him say it - he doesn't get what he wants without it. And I make him say the whole sentence (he can't just bark 'please').
I want the battle to end though! I want him to just say it all the time. No nagging required.
Re: Does your 2.5 y/o say please/thank you umpromted?
Mine is the same. For some things she is really good, and other times not so much.
And I have also been insisting that she ask in a complete sentence with a please. Not
her: "I want a snack!" me: "What do you say?" her: "pleeeease!"
"Can I have a snack please?"
He says "thank you" and "you're welcome" appropriately about 99% of the time, but I often have to remind him to say please, although, he's coming leaps and bounds with it. I'd say I have to ask him "what do you say?" about 50% of the time.
He'll always respond with "I say please."
I am impressed with how quickly he's picked it up, and how consistently he uses it.
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility!
Liam is 5!
That's exactly what I'm wondering! I don't know if my expectation if unrealistic. It's interesting to me that most kids seem to have trouble with 'please'. DS does, too. And I model it ALL the time. My whole parenting goal is to be respectful and kind. I don't always get there but I really try. So that's why I'm questioning this.
"Cank you" more often than please, but he does use both. He will say, "Cookie, pweese" or something like that.
He's 2 years and 4 months.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
He says Thank You all the time
Usually when I ask him to do something he'll tell me "No thanks."
Please isn't as frequent but he's pretty good about using it.
Yes she does, but this is something we put a lot of work into. When she could fist say please (12 months) we prompted and prompted. At two we stopped responding to requests unless she said please. She caught on really quickly and it soon became a habit. We are now working on whole sentances. She will say "more milk please" but we are working on "May I please have some more milk" but she gets what she asks for as long as she says please.
Thank you is the same way, at two if she did not say it we took away whatever she had or promted if it was something we did for her. The funny thing is she says Thank you more in a sentance than please. And she says thank you about everything. For example "Thank you for putting my hair up in such a pretty bow" was what she said today. I would be fine with a simple thank you but i am not complaining.
He will say it just give it time.
We started on this very early. R was signing "please" before she could say it. It was mostly prompted. Now, she will generally say it unprompted (about 90% of the time). It's generally, "milk please" "more please", etc.
We also worked on "thank you" starting a few months ago and now, again she says "thank you mommy/daddy" unprompted about 90% of the time.
Although, she does tend to say it more to me, than to DH. We are working on this now. I think he generally let's it slide, where I won't.
Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
Yes. If he doesn't say please, I pretend I didn't hear him at all, but it doesn't happen too often - I don't feel like I'm nagging him or spending any significant time on it. I forget when we started that, but now, he rarely forgets to say please (and in a nice tone - not just yelling it at me).
As far as thank you, he says it all the time, unprompted and has for awhile. He's basically obsessed with the phrase and it was one of his first words. We've never really worked on it, except for when he receives gifts. Then I remind him to say thank you, because at Christmas and his birthday party the person giving him the gift wasn't handing it to him, so he didn't say "thank you." So then, we do prompt him. Like, "say thank you to grandma for your new train."
ditto e...I ignore the demands until they are requests with manners. Occasionally if my kid is getting upset "I WANT MILK!!!" I say "oh, is that how you ask???" and then I get the "Can I please have some milk?"
I probably started that around 3ish. before that, I prompted often.