So Charden had ber swallow function study done on Monday morning. To my surprise, she was in a terrific mood- very happy and smiling. So the test ran smoothly. The speech pathologist found that the formula tries to go down her windpipe at times, and this is what is freaking her out. It sends a message to her brain that she is "drowning" poor thing! So they thickened her formula to nectar consistency and she did much better.
So I brought her home and thickened her bottle with the "Thick and Easy" junk that they gave me. I put in the recommended amount and it just about turned her formula to cement. So she couldn't eat it and for the rest of the day it was the same old stuff- screaming with every bottle and barely eating. Finally I am back to thickening with cereal because she does so much better with it.
Anyone had experience with Thick and Easy? What worked for you? DD drinks only Neosure, if that makes a difference.
Re: f/u Swallow Function Study Results
We used Simply Thick at nectar consistency. This worked well for us for months and months. I know you can also use a brand callede Thick It. And I want to say that I saw Thick It at Walgreens. We had to order the Simply Thick from a medical supply company. Unfortunately for us our insuance decided not to cover it desipte a note from her OT and her Pedi saying it was medically necessary.
Good luck!
I'm a therapist and I've found that the amount suggested on the back of the canister is usually too much. I've never thickened formula, but this is what I do with my patient's liquids...
Start with a smaller amount, especially if the formula is warm. If its warm, it will thicken faster. I'm not sure how thick neosure is to begin with, but you might need less powder if it is already kind of thick. Add the powder slowly and make sure its mixed in completely before adding more. I've found that its actually better to mix with a fork, as it acts kind of like a whisk. And don't let it sit-it will continue to thicken.
I hope that helps some!
It has been a long time since we had to thicken so I'm trying to remember. The simply thick comes in packets similar to large ketchup packets. I'm pretty sure we would mix it up in batches based on the packet so that we didn't have to try and measure portions of packets. In the hospital when we were fitst starting we measured it in a syringe, but at home it was easier to make larger batches. Our simply thick didn't seem to continue to thicken in the fridge after we made our batches.
I'm going to go see if I can dig up the ratios we got when we left the hospital. If I can't find them I'll e-mail our OT.
I will say that we eventually got to the point where we were just winging it and weaning her from it bit by bit ... using less and less of the packet. You might try slowly adding the thickener (keeping track of the amount added) until the consistency looks and "acts" right (based on the way it looks and moves in the bottle and "clings" to the side or the speed at which it flows from the nipple when the bottle is held upside down). Our OT showed us the drop speed that she felt was nectar consistency based on the nipple hole size and we went with that to double check the consistency.
Off to look for our instructions ...
Ok, so I couldn't find the instructions for the thickener ... they are probably packed away in a box as I last needed them before we moved. But I did find a stash of Simply Thick that we never ended up using. The packets say to mix 1 packet with 4 oz of fluid to be thickened in order to make nectar consistency. Simply Thick is a clear gel and each packet is .5 oz.
We were instructed by our OT to shake it in order to mix it and to watch to make sure that shook it until we no longer saw any clear/grey looking "balls" in the bottle (or mixing container). We never had any problems with it.
I would love the packets! Thank you so much! My email address is cammy26 at hotmail dot com.
Thanks for all the suggestions! Right now we have a big container of powder thick and easy and it's just not working... trial and error is annoying. But thanks again for the advice!