

Has anyone ever filed for it??  My hubbys business hasnt been doing good(in alot of debt).  He told me hes going to speak to a lawyer about this.  Its so scary......

Re: Bankruptcy

  • my DH did loooong ago. I think it's become much tougher to do so? but I am not sure.

    He did it b/c his wife at the time drained him dry: DH worked two jobs and she traveled through Europe and used her credit cards to do it. Not that you needed to know that...

    it's been over 10 years and only now can he get credit cards (and the cards don't give you unlimited amounts either). Buying a house and car didn't seem to be a problem though.

  • My husband did like 10 years ago.  His ex wife ran up a bunch of c.card debt that he got stuck with.  He has never had a problem with getting  He bought a house before we were even together and had 2 cars and has higher c.card limits then I do and I have never had anything put on my credit like that.   He now also has really credit numbers.  I do know now that they have changed how you do it and I belive you still have to pay back the debt but im not sure.  Good luck.
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  • My sister filed like 15 years ago due to medical bills. I know she went to a lawyer who specialized in bankruptcies. And it is a lot harder to file now, so I'd definitely talk to a lawyer. And, if it's just the business that's filing, you should be able to salvage some of your personal assets, depending on how his company is structured.?

    Good luck. The economy sucks ass.?

    ETA: She and her husband are now millionaires. They are my inspiration that there is hope in even the worst situations. ?

  • We closed our business but didn't file for bankruptcy. We just had a total loss
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