
WOW, "I didn't know I was PG" IRL

My BFF's SIL to be had a son the same day that my son was born (oddly enough they also share the same name).  BFF got a text from her FI that said "uh apparently I am an uncle" with a pic of the baby.  She is not in a relationship that anyone knew about and nobody even knew she was pregnant.  And apparently it was debatable whether or not she knew she was pregnant (my BFF can't ask because it's obviously a touchy subject and nobody seems to be going there). 

Here's the kicker...she got a DUI a month before the baby was born...

I can't decide which is worse/more crazy or far-fetched

That she didn't know she was PG.  She is not overweight and apparently did not show a lot.  I didn't get enormous either and could hide my belly with a sweatshirt but there would have been no hiding it from myself when naked so I'm think she had to know.  But, if she knew, she was drinking the whole PG!!!   

Makes me sick and sad.  She is in her mid-twenties, has a job, etc. so there really is absolutely no excuse for either scenario (not that big young excuses but helps explain at least).

Re: WOW, "I didn't know I was PG" IRL

  • Wow. ?That is effed up. ?I wonder if she got her period the whole time? ?So weird!
  • EMTEMT member

    Wow.  That is effed up.  I wonder if she got her period the whole time?  So weird!

    Yeah there are so many unanswered questions here!  And it's driving BFF crazy because nobody is going there. 

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  • ugh. ?the whole "family secret" stuff. ?Um, hello! She had a baby and "never knew" she was pregnant! ?That requires details!!!! ?LOL
  • Wow. I'm not sure what else to say. That's just nuts.
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • Can I hijack??

    Family friend's son married an overweight woman.  They didn't want kids... somehow she found out she was pg at 7 months.  She said she kept getting her period because she was on the pill.  Whatever... family is excited....  then the baby is born.

    Guess what???  The baby is not white, like the "parents".  The family friends tell everyone a story that the mother has african americans in her family tree.  (The mom is the palest white person I've ever known.)

    Anywho....  when the little girl was three, mom and "dad" were pulled over.  The cops found cocaine in the car.  The grandparents now have full custody.


    But I have to say, that little girl is one of the cutest I've ever seen. 


  • Yuck.  I don't understand how people can't know they are pregnant.  I didn't get very big with Nora, either, but there was a definite difference from what I was before!  Not to mention the back flips she did while she was in there...

     My MIL's cousin apparently did not know she was pregnant.  She went to the hospital thinking she had kidney stones, but was actually in labor.  Their daughter was born pre-term, but still...The baby is almost 30 now.  (I really think she was afraid of saying anything since she wasn't married.  The cousin and the father of the baby were married right after she was born.  They are one of the best couples I know!)

  • on t.v. tonight in fact there were 2 one hour long shows called, "I didn't know I was pg" They look really good. I TIVO'd them hee hee.
  • I have a family member (obese, happily married with several children) who didn't know she was pg.  She went to the hospital with stomach pains and it was labor.  Sadly, she delivered prematurely and the baby didn't make it.

     It happens ... even to people who have had kids apparently.

  • imagesummerbrideDC:
    Wow.  That is effed up.  I wonder if she got her period the whole time?  So weird!

    Some people just don't have regular periods, so it's not abnormal if they don't have one.

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