I saw in one of your posts that you can put the babies in the swing in the kiddopotamus swaddle. ?how do you do that? ?I know there's a hole in the back for the straps, but how do you get your dc's legs on either side of the swing's ?crotch guard (for lack of a better term). ?I know when you tell me I'll feel really dumb but i just can't get them comfortable in the swaddle in the swing or bouncy chair. ? Thanks!
Re: sweater - question for you
CORRECT! you have to lay the swaddle down, put the baby on top of it, then strap the baby in (pull the strap thru the hole) THEN swaddle baby up after all that. So the baby looks like ?he/she's just sitting in there swaddled. you don't see the straps.
If you still have problems, I have plenty of pics I can attach from back in the day.?