

So here I thought my kiddos were just getting over their first colds and now I find out that one of my coworkers might have whooping cough.


Everything online that I just read ( leads me to believe I should take them back to the doctor to get tested for this. They've had 3 of the 5 shots already but I guess you can still get it (what the heII is the vaccine for then?).

Plus for the last couple of days I've been wonder if they have an ear infection or they're teething (Ce just popped 3).


Re: F&@K!!!

  • ijackijack member
    oh yikes! I really hope they don't have WC :(
    Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
    Need help with high fat food ideas? Chunky Monkey
  • Our friends we made in the NICU got whopping cough (the 2 kids anyway, one preemie and a 2 year old, born term). The preemie spent a few days in the PICU but he was ok. Apparently there is a big outbreak of it this year. We got a postcard in the mail imploring us to vaccinate for it (which we were already doing). I hope your babies are ok!
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  • So, I got them in today at 4:30 - better safe than sorry.

    I don't blame my coworker. I guess you have normal cold symptoms for about 2 wks before the cough sets in. I'm pretty sure I had it years ago. It's no fun - I ripped a muscle from my ribcage coughing. No one our age seems to have gotten the booster and that's why it's coming back.

    poor babies - they've been poked and proded so much lately.

  • oh no! sending good thoughts that they're ok! i didn't even realize there was a vaccine for wc. we're going in for our 4mo appt today, maybe i'll check with the dr about that...

    gymrat - i just noticed you're in milwaukee! where did you deliver? we delivered at st joes (and hated it!).

  • Sophie had whooping cough after she only had the 1st vaccine.  They told me the same thing, that kids can catch the disease before they are fully vaccinated.  Are they getting worse?  Are they on the nebulizer?  The test is a simple nose swab, it can't hurt to call the Pedi.!  I'm sorry they are going thru being sick & teething :(
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  • Kam - the WC vaccine is in the Dtap vaccine so your little one will get it. But it's administered in 5 doses with the last dose given between 4-6 yrs old so yeah kids can still get it.

    I delivered at Froedtert/Children's. I had a high risk PG (triplets to start) so my doctor was out of there. I loved them.

    They just seem like they're getting over their cold now but I guess WC doesn't show up until 1-2 wks of normal cold symptoms so I want to make sure early.

  • Oh and I'm in Tosa too!
  • Oh no I hope its not whooping cough.  And DS always got ear infections with teething.
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
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