
The new "stimulus" plan

Okay, so we are all getting "extra" money in our paychecks now.  It doesn't amount to much for us, but every little bit helps, I suppose.

However, I heard a caller (an accountant) on the radio yesterday say that the stimulus didn't change the tax brackets and basically it was just a refund being spread out over the year.  So, even though it's not a lot each month, over the course of the year it could add up to around $1,000 being knocked off our refund.  She recommended changing withholdings to ensure people didn't owe.

Have you heard this?

Re: The new "stimulus" plan

  • somebody posted this the other day (maybe on 3rd tri) but another person responded that there will be a tax credit at the end of the year. so the tax brackets could remain the same if you get a tax credit. this makes some sense to me because obama repeatedly discussed refundable tax credits during his campaign - being that we would give bigger "refunds" to people not paying any taxes at all.

    anyway, i keep meaning to look into it to be certain.

  • They basically changed the withholding tax rate so you'll get a little extra money in your check each week.  It amounts to an average of $50 per month.  If you and your spouse work it would be around $100 per month.  The tax brackets are the same.  It's also not going to do much to stimulate spending, most people will barely notice it.  DH and I both started getting the adjusted amount in March.
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