3rd Trimester

Wait... you ladies really can't shave your legs?

I can still do that, put on my shoes, and paint my toes (although the toe-painting is getting a bit tough.) Blows my mind that some of you can't!

Re: Wait... you ladies really can't shave your legs?

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    maybe you're just super bendy!
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    you know we're going to get our as$es kicked for bragging about this but, me too.
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    You lucky woman.  I CAN,  I just squish my belly and it's difficult.  I have to contort my body.   I still shave my legs and vag...I forbid my DH to do it, but it's TOUGH!!!
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    I can do all of the above but the toe painting - that went about 3 weeks ago. Technically, I could do it, but it requires serious acrobatics & involves tons of smudges. I've had some uh, pelvis/hip issues that are hindering my movement more than usual though.
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    I can for now. I don't think that'll last too long though.

    You bendy biitches!

    image Don't argue with idiots, they bring you down to their level then beat you with experience. - Mrs. G
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    Shaving my legs has become quite the chore.  I'll let you know in the morning how it really goes, I haven't shaved in a week Embarrassed hehe
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    I just recently got to the point where I'm missing areas.  DH has been doing my toes because I can't bend forward and breathe at the same time so it would take forever.  I was measuring 42 weeks yesterday too though.

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    Maybe it depends on your height.
    Wash that thang!
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    I can paint my toes only if I opt not to breathe.


    Shaving, eh, I can do it but it's not comfortable. Plus I'm lazy.?

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    I can sort of shave, but putting on socks is getting hard! For me it is due to the dropping, I can't raise my legs very far up anymore. Oh well, at least it is still pants weather.
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    I can shave my legs, just not my bikini line. And yes, DH has actually started doing that for me.

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    Tying my shoes is getting a little harder, but I can still do all of that stuff too.  Shaving is actually pretty easy.  I'll have to try to paint my toenails this weekend though and then I'll let you know.
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    Bendy Bitches indeed! I can still do my legs, but thats about it. Oh to see my feet again!
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    imageDoctor Google:
    Maybe it depends on your height.

    Ah maybe.  I'm only 5'3".

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    I can shave my legs, just not my bikini line. And yes, DH has actually started doing that for me.

    DH keeps volunteering. I told him as long as I can do it by feel he's out of luck. What a pervert.

    image Don't argue with idiots, they bring you down to their level then beat you with experience. - Mrs. G
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    I can shave my legs, but not my bikini line. I was not having DH do that for me, so I went and got waxed. Best money spent! :) I had a pedicure also, so I can't speak for whether I'd be able to paint my toes or not.
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    I just shaved my legs after some inventive bending.   I do have a very hard time putting socks on which is why I wear flip flops now.
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    I can shave my legs still, it's not the most comfortable thing, but I can do it. As for my toes, not sure, because I get pedicures done! hehe..., but, it's definitely not easy for me to put socks and shoes on anymore, but no one's gonna do it but me!
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    I can do it... It's just a little more complicated now. Shaving is only "hard" when I am trying to do my girly parts Embarrassed... And shoes are only hard when I have thick fuzzy socks on... )I keep my shoes tied-lol)... And painting toes is ok- as long as I can put my foot on a chair...

    Just thought I would share, because I am quite proud of my accomplishments! LoL

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    I can do all of that other than painting my toenails. I don't bend over to shave my legs though. We have a separate stall shower so I just stand in one corner and stick my foot in the other corner so my leg is straight out in front of me.
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    I can - but I agree the toenail painting is getting rough. 

    Ladyscaping, however, I cannot do.  

    IMG_0888edit Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I really can't do much of anything by this point and I was bendy but thanks to the droping of the baby and the fact that my belly is HUGE is becoming a prob. And my belly really is large, as of last week it was 5 weeks ahead and DH and I have noticed alot more growth since then.
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    I can shave my legs still. I just prop em up on the side and we're good to go. My lady bits are a little hard...just try and feel around and do as best as I can. I definitely tend to miss some spots though! And as for my toenails...I wouldn't know since I haven't had them painted for about 14 weeks now haha
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    I can definitely still shave. But I am abnormally bendy...
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    The only reason I can't is because we have a standup shower with nowhere for me to balance my foot, and being on bedrest it makes me nervous to try too bend over for as long as it takes or get into many contortion-y positions because I get dizzy really easy. I still do mine by sitting on the edge of the tub but it's a pain to do after I've already showered.
    *** It's funny because I'm fat ***
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    I wonder if height has something to do with it??? I am 5' 1" and have a belly that's measuring about 3 weeks ahead so getting to my feet is impossible. DH has been kind enough to put my socks on for me and I have given up shoes that tie - I am strictly wearing slip-on's...lol. Ladyscaping is another story...DH didn't really want to help me so I know it's like patchwork down there.

    And...I have about week and a half old stubble on my legs.

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    I'm 5'5", so I'm not sure that height has THAT much to do with it... I'm sure it has to do the way each of us is carrying, though.
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    I'm 5' tall and can still shave my legs with some maneuvering and if I sit cross-legged I can get my shows on. Painting toe nails isn't something I've tried in years -- pediccures are the way to go.?
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