...announcing that I had a BFP!! 3 of them actually! On test 1 on Sunday, test 2 on Monday, and test 3 today. 41 years old, 3 months of trying. It's still so early, I know anything can still happen, but I think it's real. I'll probably continue to POAS the next 2 weeks just to make sure! I'll try every test out there! Thrilled, shocked, happy, scared, really wanting a glass of wine or a beer (my usual way of celebrating)! Don't worry, I won't!
Re: very tentatively...
yay! congrats! Wishing you a happy and healthy nine months!
That's so exciting!
Wooooo hoooooo! It's so good to hear news like this.
Wonderful! I love these posts!
*lots of sticky dust to you*
Congrats!! H+H 9mos