I just got DH's results back. Great numbers and motility but only 5% morphology. I have to break the news to DH, but first I want to know what causes low morphology and if it can be improved through healthier living. I think it'll come easier to him if it comes with a plan.
RE thinks that since his total count was so high, IUI with injectables is a good option.
I really thought today we would be getting the unexplained infertility diagnosis, but I guess not. Ugh.
Re: Well crap. Tell me what you know about sperm morphology
This is from mayoclinic.com. ?It DOES indicate that PG is possible despite this diagnosis, so that is certainly hopeful. ?You might want to lead with the positive (good numbers/count, etc.) when telling your hubby about his results. ?I imagine this sort of thing could be hard on the male ego, but he does have a number of really good factors in his favor. GL!?
Sperm morphology is routinely evaluated as part of a standard semen analysis. Morphology refers to the size and shape of the sperm. The results of a sperm morphology exam indicate the percentage of sperm that appear normal when semen is viewed under a microscope. Abnormal sperm morphology may be a contributing factor in infertility.Normal sperm have an oval head with a long tail. Abnormal sperm may have head or tail defects ? such as a large or misshapen head or a crooked or double tail. These defects may impair the ability of the sperm to reach and fertilize an egg.Causes of abnormal morphology include:Testicular abnormalities that are present at birth (congenital)Enlargement of veins within the scrotum (varicocele)High feverIllicit drug useInfectionsThe best recommendation is to repeat the semen analysis in four to six weeks to determine if the changes in morphology are temporary or permanent. Even with poor morphology, pregnancy may still be possible. Intrauterine insemination or in vitro fertilization methods are sometimes needed.?
That's great news on the count but I'm sorry the results weren't so good on the morphology. I know you were hoping for unexplained fertility but at least you know something now. I would ask the doc about retesting in a couple of weeks to see how the results compare. I hope the conversation with DH went well.
Just wanted to tell you that I'm thinking of you and hoping that you work around this little problem and get your BFP real fast!!!