
BOB Duallie vs. BOB Duallie 12" AW?

Questions for MoMs who looked at both the Duallie and the 12" AW version: 

Do the smaller wheels really make a difference in maneuverability?

Do you give up anything because of the smaller wheels?

Is it true that wheel size is the only difference between the two?


Re: BOB Duallie vs. BOB Duallie 12" AW?

  • wheel size is the ONLY difference (back wheels only)

    If you plan to jog often, or go "off roading" on trails, the 16" wheels are suggested. If you plan to have it as your everyday stroller for walks in the neighborhood, zoo, parks, malls etc, the 12" wheels are GREAT...I love the 12"AW...I'm not a runner, so it's perfect for me.?

  • Sweater is right.  I got the 16' because I want to be able to navigate snow and sand on the beach.  Plus the occasional run.  I also still use it in the mall & for groceries.  I love my BOB.
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  • ditto sweater! ?i love my 12" dualie aw.
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