What do you think? I like it and DH said he liked it, but wouldn't consider using it because it reminded him of Scooby Doo and thought that's what everyone else would think of right away.
Another vote for Frasier as the first association. I probably wouldn't have thought of Scooby Doo at all if you hadn't mentioned it. I think it's a cute name.
TTC #1 for over 5 years - too many to count IF treatments (tried everything and anything), repeat miscarriages.
Finally, Sticky Success!! B/G Twins arrived 2011.
Re: Daphne
I thought of Fraiser, not Scooby Doo.
But it's cute.
ditto this. Very pretty.
I don't hate it, It's ok, just NMS.
I feel the same.
Baking Blog
Baking Blog
I thought of Frasier first too. It's OK... very British.
For some reason, as an alternative, I thought of Phoebe, which I like a lot better.
Me too. But DH would totally think Scooby Doo because he had a thing for Thelma....*shivers and gags*
I thought of Scobby Doo too and Frasier.
Its OK name, not my favorite.
I also think of Frasier, and I've always thought it's a cute name.
Me, too.