I'm realizing my baby isn't too great in the imagination department. When we play and I ask her to give her toy a name, she calls it by what it is. Like if its a fish, its name is fish. I'll then make up a name for my toy...she'll steal my name.
I'm starting to try to leave her alone more to play and talk to herself since I think thats what she's missing out on since we're always playing with her.
Anyone else's dc not have a wild imagination?
Re: Does your DC have a good imagination?
Jack has a great imagination. He makes up names etc. But this is just in the past year or so. Emelia, who is 2.5 does the same as your dd. Her dolls are all named baby, her lovey is just "hippo" and she doesn't follow along with Jack's imagination skills as well when they are playing together.
I don't think that it means it won't develop more. I think it is a learned thing that comes in time.
She's not so hot on naming things either, but last night she was wandering around scooping Flora, Fauna, and Merriweather out of thin air, telling Merriweather she was laughing too loud, sprinkling fairy dust on me, and took them to bed. She's had a few imaginary friends, one of them a bug named clack clack. (it's the clacky tongue sound, not the actual words)
So, she's good at some of it, not so hot at other aspects. Flower is a doll w/flowers on her dress. Leaf has leaves on her hat. etc.
DD's imagination is exhausting. ?She loves to hear stories, so I think that's where a lot of it came from. ?For a while, her babies were named baby, animals were named whatever animal they were, etc, but the older she got, the?weirder?the names were.
?I think B is just a smarty pants :-)
It's not crazy wild - she loves Big Baby (named b/c she's bigger than her other dolls); Purple, Blue and Yellow (b/c that's the color of their outfits) and the other clearly girl babies are the boys' names from dc.
She does request a million wash cloths for the bath and makes one a baby and uses the rest to cover her "baby" up.
I think it will come more as she gets older and we play with her a lot too. Not so much into independent play at all.
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
thank you spring
Ok, sounds like its more of an age thing, maybe this is something they pick up a little later. Glad to hear my DD didn't just inherit her mothers simpleton brain.
Everything she has is either named what it is (ie: bunny, puppy, etc) or after a disney character. She does very well with pretend play, but names not so much.
Her sitter is pregnant right now. She asked her if she thought her baby would be a boy or a girl. Maddie said it was a girl, and she would be named Sandy...only because she had watched Grease the night before.
R doesn't name things either. They are what they are (baby, dog, turtle).
But, apparently, we have a dragon that lives at our house. LOL. She always tells me stories about how the dragon is sad, or how its flying around, or playing with something. She's just started getting into pretending the past couple of months, and its gradually getting to be more and more. Much of her play is still concrete-more mimicing our daily activities than creating her own ideas.