

One of my boys (born at 32 weeks now 3 months actual) has been having these awful choking episodes where his face turns red and he can't catch his breath.  We brought him to the dr. who FINALLY believed me that he has reflux issues (the kid is 14 lbs, so they were never concerned) and now he's on Zantac AND an apnea moniter to see what's going on when we're not in the room - like when he's sleeping.  It totally freaks me out, but I thought I saw some others on this board with a similar situation.  Is that true?  Do they eventually grow out of it?   Does Zantac work right away and does it work for your kids?  It just gets to me because we took them home after 2 weeks in the NICU and they were never on moniters and never had any problems until recently.  I just really wanted to know if anyone else was in this situation - it usually makes me feel better to know we're not alone. :)  

Re: reflux/apnea?

  • ammcammc member
    Devan had the apnea before she was release from the hospital.  She was sent home with a monitor but she outgrew the spells and didn't have one once she was home.  we only had them monitor for 4 weeks.  She was on Zantac but only to counteract the side affects of the Caffeine she was on.  She is now 5 months and has been off all meds since 3 months.  I'm sorry that you are going thru this now.  Could it maybe be an allergy related issue?
  • DS was also born at 32 weeks, now 3 months old and came home on a monitor b/c of his reflux.  He frequently had bradies after his feedings, so we had to bring him home on the monitor.  The first 2 weeks he was on the monitor, it continued to go off numerous time a day while he was sleeping.  Each time was in the hour after his last feeding.  The pulmonologist adjusted his meds (Prevacid & Reglan) to help with the reflux, which made all the difference.  In the month after the meds were adjusted, he monitor went off once!! And he was most likely pooping or gassy.  So DS was then taken off the monitor and has been fine ever since.  He hasn't out grown the reflux, but the monitor just confirmed to the docs that his bradies weren't true brady alarms. 
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  • Robbie came home on his, but I have two friends- one with a 36weeker and one with a full termer who had to have a monitor well after they were home. Yes, they outgrow it.
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