I think we've found her a home. We've had her since October and of course I am really attached. We were hoping to place her soon because I'll be 6mos pg in a week and I was hoping to get things settled soon for our other 2 dogs, so they'll be as ready as poss. for the baby. The sad part about the whole thing...Macy is going to Texas! My furbaby will be going across the country from me. "The furthest away I've had a foster dog go is Georgia. I'm glad she'll be going to a good home with someone who will be home with her all the time. I know when she leaves, I will bawl. But we've got a couple of weeks before she'll be going. *sniffle*
here's a pic of her...she's an English Mastiff.
Re: I think I might cry...post about my foster dog
Yay for foster homes!!!! You rock
I know how hard it is when a long term foster is finally adopted. I had one for a year and a half and cried like a crazy woman the day she was adopted. I think I scared the family that adopted her