So DH told me a few weeks ago that this Friday night we are going to get together with his best friend and his wife for dinner. They have three kids and I said to him at that time, are we having dinner in or out on account of their 3 children. He said, ennhhh we'll decide the week of.
Now, I've known these people for 6 years. Because of the kids, we've had dinner at their house every time but once.
They've never been allowed to my house for GOOD DAMN REASON.
Seriously, had I known this, I would have had the new sofa reupholstered last week instead of ordering the fabric this week. I could have even managed to get the two vintage Kagan chairs reupholstered as well in that time frame. I could have gone out to my carpet showrooms and 'borrowed' an area carpet to 'try on approval' and brought in accessories from the studio to 'prop' the house. Now I have to try and 'prop' the house in less than two days.
::puts head down on desk and cries::?
Re: MrG&Me least the kids won't have any mishaps on the new upholstery. This is at least one good vantage point.
Don't worry about it Red, I bet your home is gorgeous and far superior in decor than anyone elses. Just stay calm have a great night, and make that hubby of yours make you something divine to make up for it!
This was my first thought as well. Kids can be pretty damaging especially when you're trying extra hard NOT to let them F something up lol.
::pops in::
Did someone say wine??
I actually designed their house for a TV show that I did so I know that there house is very nice. Their kids aren't coming it's just adults but my house is literally in the state of undone. Our kitchen needs to be ripped out, our furniture is being changed, our art work is literally at the framers, I need to have the chandeliers and light fixtures I've been collecting on Ebay for the last year all re-wired.
I vote change of venue in that case...preferably some quaint and cozy bistro with great wine...ahem tea choices.
If the kids aren't tagging along I don't see why you can't go out.
Well truth be told my husband's cooking kicks just about any restaurant's a$$ so trying to convince them to relocate will be highly unlikely.
I'm just plotting to see what can be done in the time I've got.
Lordy, I've renovated complete restaurants in four days, planned my own wedding in under 6 weeks - this should be doable right? I just can't bend very easily.
::Wonders if she can paint an original canvas work of art during her lunch tomorrow...::?
It's only going to be 12C. That reminds me, if the weather is nice this weekend, maybe I can get my stepson to stain the fences in the backyard so that I can make over that space too....
A Nesting Designer is a terrifying sight let me tell you.?