2nd Trimester

bridesmaid- VENT

I am a bridesmaid in my SIL's wedding in like 2 weeks. ?Well she decided to be difficult and have the dresses made instead of ordered. ?I STILL DONT HAVE A DRESS! ?Not only that, but I don't even know if I'll fit into whatever is made for me because the wedding is in FL and I'm in SC! ?My SIL is so difficult and chose a fabric that has NO GIVE and is not flowing at all. ?I'm so pissed that I have to pay $150 for it!

Vent over!?

Re: bridesmaid- VENT

  • I was my sister's MOH this weekend... she also had the dresses made, and I got mine the morning of the wedding. It was too big. Guess it's better than the alternative.
  • I had my sister in my wedding and I had a back up dress for my sister. Tread lightly but talk to her about it, I would think she would understand.
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  • That is pretty stupid. I always thought the entire point of having dresses made was so that you could tailor them to each person so they'd look great and stuff.  Did she even ask for your measurements or anything? I don't get how she'll know what size to have made for anyone without that.
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