I've now suffered with reflux for weeks. Some days I get sick (first thing in the morning, i'm hugging the toilet) others I don't. It's a crap shoot regardless of whether or not I take Tums or Pepcid. Is there a Rx that they can give me? I don't know if I can take this for another 15-18 weeks.
Re: Acid reflux
Hi!! I feel your pain. I've had acid reflux since before being pregnant and now it's worse than ever. My Dr said Tums and Milk of Magnesia are the only things you can take while pregnant. I used to live on Pepcid AC, but that's a no-no. My rec is Tums Smoothies, any flavor. They're like candy and they have calcium. Chew 3, that usually helps me out. Then 3 before bed.
Hope this helps for ya!!
YES! There are several safe Rx meds for acid reflux. See your doctor. Different ones prescribe different meds, but you should not have to suffer.
Edited to add: I'm taking Tagamet (generic: Cimetidine).
Bronx Zoo: Summer 2013
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There are a lot of options and I would ask your doctor about them. I was able to return to my normal pre-pregnancy medication. There is no point in suffering like that.
I will be completely honest with you. You sound just like how I was at that time. I was put back on my Nexium at about 14 weeks. It worked great! However, I'm now dealing with the backlash of my uterus growing up into the upper part of my abdomen.
Smaller meals and starchy foods help out a lot. Don't try to eat too much at once. I have to break it up a lot or I get sick. Avoid really acidic foods (orange juice gets me every time!) Just watch what you eat because that helps out a lot too.