
Can I whine for a min?

First let me say sorry if this is annoying b/c I know there are people much worse off than us, but I don't want to whine to my DH or friends/family.

Anyway these past few weeks have been hell.  DH and I have both been spending the majority of our days job hunting but we haven't heard anything back from anyone yet.  We knew it would take awhile b/c the job market sucks really bad here, but it's still depressing.  That along with the fact that DH's uncle is on his death bed (has cancer), we are going to have to cancel our cruise (I know this may sound really selfish after saying DH's uncle is dying, but I am upset about this too), my car is on it's last leg, and I've had zero support (I mean emotionally not financially b/c I don't expect that) from my family.  Anyway it's a rainy day and I'm feeling depressed.  Sorry to be so blah.  I know things won't always be bad and it could be much worse, but this is still hard and depressing.

Re: Can I whine for a min?

  • (((((HUGS)))) Samantha! It'll get better, sooner then later hopefully! Move up here, ya'll can live in our downstairs area until you can find something! J and N would be best friends! :)
  • Whine away, things are sucky right now.  ((( hugs )))

    It sucks to look forward to something and have it sucked out from under you, I know what that's like.  I can teach you how to crochet.. that's about all I got right now lol

    Hang in there. 

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  • AW!  Poor little Sammy Ammy!!  I'm sorry.  I have days too when it feels like my whole world is falling apart.  It's hard to focus on the positive.  Things will turn up!!
  • Whine away, that's a lot to have to deal with.  You're right, things will get better, but for now, there is nothing wrong with having a down day.  I hope things turn around quickly for you!
    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • (((hugs))) hang in there...I don't have any profound advice, but I know how hard and frustrating it is.  Whine all you want!
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • I'm so sorry you are having to deal with all of this.  I'll keep my fingers crossed that you and/or your DH find something soon! 
    Liam is 5!
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  • aw, lamb, you can whine as much as you want on here. Your situation really does stink, but you can always come here for support. Hugs to you and I hope things turn around very soon!!
    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • This is the first I've seen about all of your bad news.  I am so so sorry and hope things start looking up soon.
  • Hang in there, I know it is depressing and you have every right to feel sorry for yourself.

    It WILL get better. 

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