I've seen more camo in my life than I care to even think about. There is no way that I'm putting my child in anything camo. Although I have a feeling SOMEONE will buy us something...it's just how it goes down.
I grew up with the Marine Corps, so I've definitely had my fill of cammo...my DH likes to hunt, and thinks the baby will need cammo onesies. I politely told him not a chance!
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I agree...unless you're actually involved w/ the army in some way, I think it comes off as trashy/redneck.
I'm not a big fan of camo either, but MH isn't giving me much choice. Boy or girl the baby will be wearing green camo. He's also looking for toy sniper scopes and compases.
Camo is fine if you are in the military or going hunting. Otherwise it goes on my list of things I avoid like the plague for my boys along with clothing with charachters on them, just bc they like elmo or thomas the train does not mean they need thomas shoes and an elmo t-shirt.
Unless I'm in a deerstand camo is in the closet. I hope no one buys anything for the baby in camo, it'll be quite a while before she starts to go hunting with daddy
Re: Am I the only one
yeah, I hate it too... I refuse to put my child in cammo or nascar stuff... LOL... even if it's free!?
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