2nd Trimester


YAY for you!!! I'm so happy for you. For some reason it's not bothering me in the least that I do not know what the sex is of this little one inside of me. I was dying with the first two, but I am so excited to see how it feels to be surprised at the birth. I've missed you by the way. I never see you around, but then again , ,, I'm not on here too much either.

Re: MrsPreK

  • Awwwwwww....thanks!!!!

    Yeah, I've been kinda MIA lately. Been on a bit more the last fews days (making up for missed time ;) LOL. 

    I had no trouble waiting to see what DS was, but this time around considering everything is going to hand-me-down city, I needed to know. Now I can go shopping for girl stuff ::DH rolling his eyes behind me::


  • oh yes, that's what my dh is worried about too. i've been showing him girls clothes for years now only to be reminded each time that we have 2 boys. haha!!
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