So at my husbands Surprise party this weekend, my MIL said to my mom (after seeing the nursery for the first time - My mom and sisters bought our entire bedding set for us including all the accessories, for our shower, and gave it to us early) Well Carol, did you leave anything for anyone else on the registry? In a very rude tone.
So then when I was adding things to our registry on Monday, I noticed that our Travel system and walker thingy (i dont know what they are called) were purchased. I was excited until MH got home from dinner last night and said So my mom told me she bought us the travel system and walker.... Her words were " C**** I went to BRU and bought the travel system and walker off of your registry, it was about $320.00 for both, just so you know." LIKE ITS A COMPETITION! I was so irritated.
She can try to comptete with my mom all she wants the woman is nuts. My mom had to invite her and her family to our wedding shower, because she would not throw us one, and the same thing is happening now, my mom and sisters have to do all the work, for the shower, while she and her sister and DIL and granddaughter, sit back and enjoy. EW! I know I am being oversensitive but the woman irks me!
Re: Arggggggg! MIL vent!
Wow! Why would she feel the need to point out how much she spent? That would upset me a little bit too!
My MIL on the other hand, is the cheapest woman to walk the earth lol... She would grow the cotton, spin the thread, and sew us a onesie before she'd buy a gift lol!
That would drive me crazy! I'd end up saying something mean like, "Really? You spent that much, on this?"
I have an aunt who does the same thing and I can only spend about an hour with her before I'm ready to choke her lol!
Hey let the old bag say what she wants atleast she is competitive with buying you the things you need and want for the baby. I would prefer my mom to throw showers and stuff just because I am closer to her, its personal to me and I can give all the input I want without worrying if I am rude or whatever. MIL can be jealous all day and rude if she must, your mom loves and supports you and by now should know that lady is nuts. When she said "did you leave anything else" she should have just smiled and said plenty . When she makes little comments acknowledge them but in a super sweet way this will bug her haha best way to annoy ppl like that. Like with the steaks comment, when she tells you how much they were take a big bite, say mmmm worth it. LOL
I know things bug you and hurt your feeling but try to remember what is most important. Your baby is getting much needed and beautiful gifts, your mother is right there front and center and very involved in all the big moments in your life, and you aren't a crotchity old bag obsessed with raining on win!
I'm almost afraid this is going to happen to us! ?My parents have more disposable income than my in-laws, and Mom has already indicated that she's purchasing the Chicco stroller and carrier I want, and possibly the pack n' play and high chair! ?DH was like "what's my parents going to get us?" ?I wanted so bad to say "umm, not much as usual" (I had to laugh at the pp's comments about the growing the cotton, etc.), but instead offered "well, they could buy the crib and mattress." ?We'll see what actually happens though. ?
I'm wondering if they will get somewhat competitive - since this is the only grandkid for both of them!?
Don't make jokes about spinning cottong. My MIL is making us a quilt. She always makes us an effing quilt. I hate quilts. In fact, I pretty much hate homemade anything. We don't need a quilt. What we need is a godd*mned carseat AND the BOB Revolution:)
My MIL doesn't have near the income as my parents do and like many, my parents are throwing us the shower and buying gifts as well. This will be my family first grandbaby a huge milestone in my family but not as much on my DH because they already have like eight grandbabies. I don't expect anything from his mother nor do I want to ask her for anything (well b/c we do not need too). Hate to say it but we are totally better off then her and though that is not the point we would like her to save her money for a rainy day.
I can go on and on so let me just say this you are lucky to have a MIL who wants to be in your life. If she wants to be competitive its probably because she knows that she is second when it comes to the baby because your mother is there.
I love how we have the same in-laws!