2nd Trimester

Newb-ish question

You know the pics that people have posted in their siggys with the title that says, "3rd tri siggy chalenge: Goofiest pic of you and DH"  What's up with that?  Am I out of the loop on some secret groups that exist?  Please fill me in!  And, since I posted that it is a newb-ish question, feel free to flame away!  Things might pick up around here after all!

Re: Newb-ish question

  • imagemommastemme:

    You know the pics that people have posted in their siggys with the title that says, "3rd tri siggy chalenge: Goofiest pic of you and DH"  What's up with that?  Am I out of the loop on some secret groups that exist?  Please fill me in!  And, since I posted that it is a newb-ish question, feel free to flame away!  Things might pick up around here after all!

    Hmm I see them all the time and just assumed one day someone in 3rd tri decided to start something up. I want to know if they win anything or if it's just bragging rights. We should start the night time crew siggy challenges.....or I guess since it's challenging enough to keep the convo going that will be our challenge we do.
  • imageJosh & Calendi:

    You know the pics that people have posted in their siggys with the title that says, "3rd tri siggy chalenge: Goofiest pic of you and DH"  What's up with that?  Am I out of the loop on some secret groups that exist?  Please fill me in!  And, since I posted that it is a newb-ish question, feel free to flame away!  Things might pick up around here after all!

    Hmm I see them all the time and just assumed one day someone in 3rd tri decided to start something up. I want to know if they win anything or if it's just bragging rights. We should start the night time crew siggy challenges.....or I guess since it's challenging enough to keep the convo going that will be our challenge we do.

    Well if that's our challenge, we rock the cazba!  I pop back and forth between us, 1st tri, & 3rd tri and most nights that I get a chance to get on here, we have the most night time activity by far!

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  • I went on 1st tri tonight to see if there was anything good. Nothing! I wonder if they're starting to learn......I doubt it.
  • imageJosh & Calendi:
    I went on 1st tri tonight to see if there was anything good. Nothing! I wonder if they're starting to learn......I doubt it.

    Oh. My. Gawd.  Did you see the post last night about getting pregnant during anal sex?!?!?!  Holy sh!t.  I was showing a dude at work and we laughed until we nearly peed our pants!  After that I would say that it is safe to say that most of them still haven't learned!

  • I know when I was on the knot.we had weekly siggy challenges... meaning just finding a picture I guess.. we didnt ever win anything .... sometimes it was your favorite cartoon... a picture of u and DH it just changed.. then you get some good pictures up... and sometimes it starts conversation
  • imagemommastemme:

    imageJosh & Calendi:
    I went on 1st tri tonight to see if there was anything good. Nothing! I wonder if they're starting to learn......I doubt it.

    Oh. My. Gawd.  Did you see the post last night about getting pregnant during anal sex?!?!?!  Holy sh!t.  I was showing a dude at work and we laughed until we nearly peed our pants!  After that I would say that it is safe to say that most of them still haven't learned!

    OOOOO I missed out!! haha I didn't see that. Ok I take back my prior post!
  • imageJosh & Calendi:

    imageJosh & Calendi:
    I went on 1st tri tonight to see if there was anything good. Nothing! I wonder if they're starting to learn......I doubt it.

    Oh. My. Gawd.  Did you see the post last night about getting pregnant during anal sex?!?!?!  Holy sh!t.  I was showing a dude at work and we laughed until we nearly peed our pants!  After that I would say that it is safe to say that most of them still haven't learned!

    OOOOO I missed out!! haha I didn't see that. Ok I take back my prior post!

    You have to go back and check it out!  It is too funny!

  • The Stupid Question

    I hope they didn't delete... I didnt think to check.  I'm also pretty sure this wasn't a first tri faux pas, just reposted and mocked there.  I can't believe I'm awake at 5 am posting links about anal sex.

  • imageCrazyChef:

    The Stupid Question

    I hope they didn't delete... I didnt think to check.  I'm also pretty sure this wasn't a first tri faux pas, just reposted and mocked there.  I can't believe I'm awake at 5 am posting links about anal sex.

    Thanks. I actually found it and was reading it. She had asked another board, and came to first tri and asked again. I found it on the first tri board. Hilarious!
  • What!?  How did I miss the actual posting on First Tri?  I'm pathetically attached to that board, it's kind of hard to miss the shiit storm that question would stir up.  *deducts 1,000 points from bump score*  ((on second thought, why are we keeping point score here?))
  • I will give you your 1000 points back for posting the other link :) Here is the first tri link

    I don't know what the score is for......

  • That's the same link I gave you!  From Sex and Romance. Stick out tongue
  • Yeah I was just checking that out. Weird I found it in 1st tri......I am blaming everything on pg brain lately, so this will fall under this category! :)
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